
How can I become g*y?

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I always see g*y guys and they look so classy while drinking wheat grass and eating garden burgers. Plus they are always so good looking and women flock to them even though they dont even like them.




  1. Well most g**s arent as classy as you think. Most of them make me feel weird because of the way they act. If you wanna be g*y think of all the great things about men like how hott they are, their abs and everything.

  2. Watch a good movie - you'll become very g*y and happy.

  3. Why would u want to become g*y? You know u can get Aids and EVERYTHING else!!!! That would be a STUPID thing to do! You kno why? Because God loves you! And Think about how that would make the ppl who love you feel! they would be sad :-((

  4. Why would you want to be g*y?! and woman don't "flock" to them because they think there attractive. I mean i know g*y guys and there fun to shop with and stuff but thats it!

  5. well if you want to be g*y to attract women, that defeats the purpose.

    if u want to look like a stereotype g*y, wear tight designer clothes, make-up, dye your hair, smile, get some kind of foreign accent.

    hope this helps and good luck xoxoxoxox

  6. Write to Carson Pressley from g*y eye for the Straight guy.

  7. You're conflicted.

    You want to be g*y to attract women?

  8. don't worry.  If you are wondering, you are probably already there.  But moving to San Francisco, and/or voting for Obama might hasten the process.  Oh, and buy some arugula - I know the price is skyrocketing, but you got to make some sacrifices to achieve your goals.

    By the way, you posted this in "Immigration" are aware that "g*y" is not a nationality, right?

  9. excuse me?? are you trying that for finding a women??? jmmm.... ok, let's say that i accept your idea... so... stay with g*y men... i think... and... ask them about waht do they use, where they buy clothes... etc etc... then women will be over you... (is true ONLY IF you are good looking, handsome, etc etc and both know that are genes, if you are ugly, this won't work for you)... but now.. do you consider that is a good way to find a woman?? i just, think that no... well first beacuse you deserve a woman who can love you without lying, being you, just being you. you don't have to act as g*y to catch women... maybe you have to be more social or having more friends, going to parties or i don't know where, but go to find a girl for you! maybe.. you say all that about g**s because you don't have atractive or good habits, things that women like to do with their boyfriends.... :S

  10. Start sleeping with men.

  11. Congratulations. You are already g*y. Maybe u havent resolved this issue in your conscious mind yet.

  12. I would say go to a g*y bar and take it up the tookus a few times.. If you like it, you're converted and then you can start getting women...

    Oh wait..being g*y isn't a CHOICE, if you're not classy and drinking wheat grass now, do you think *being g*y* is going to make you become these things? And, if you're g*y, women only flock because they know you won't hit on them..Seriously dude..

    Go eat a gardenburger and think about what you're asking...

  13. Sounds like you already are.

    But you have to be born g*y. If you feel attracted to men, go for it.  

  14. Well that doesn't mean that straight men can't be classy and stylish,  and to be g*y, and I am not saying that g*y people are born g*y because no one knows for sure.  No one will ever know.  But I do know that you can't turn g*y just because you wake up one day and decide you are g*y and start loving men in a romantic way.

    It just comes to you it's instinct in a way, like little kids don't realize they are g*y until puberty and it just happens.

    Turning g*y takes more effort than just thinking about it, and you should only turn g*y only if you really want to have a romantic relationship with the same s*x not because the ladies want it.

    Oh wait you just want to look g*y and then you turn out straight so a lady would fall in love with you! Oh great idea! Very tricky very clever! Just one problem, it doesn't work I have seen many men try this and they end up heart broken and looking like a fool.

  15. its not that their g*y that makes them attractive...its that they care about their appearance and women like them because they are not rude, ignorant pigs around them.

  16. You can't be serious.

  17. You already are.

  18. .........So you're actually asking how you can become a guy like that?  Not how you can become a guy who's into other guys.  Right?  Because obviously "becoming" g*y isn't possible... I mean, you either are or you are not.  

    That said, if you want to look classy then invest in a style that's in keeping with who you are.  If you're a vegetarian then the wheat grass and veggie burgers are a given.  The food isn't what does it though.  It's the impression that comes with the look, the food, the behavior.  

    It's the genuine behavior of someone who values themselves, respects their body, their life and the lives of others that's appealing to the girls.  g*y guys are genuinely interested in what we say as opposed to what we're wearing under our clothes.  

    Become a genuine person.  Learn why respect for others, for yourself, for life in general is important and then exercise that respect in your interactions with whomever you meet.  That will take care of the attitude.

    Invest in your wardrobe.  Put some thought into how you display yourself to the world.  Style your hair, clean your fingernails and learn to be lighthearted while doing so.  It's fun to be nice.  It's fun to be alive.  It's fun to be you and so you express yourself in what you wear, do, say, eat.  

    That's the genuine behavior all those girls that hang with g*y men are into.  We feel safe with them because they're not after anything, they're just hanging out with us because it's fun to do so.  Their honest in their actions and in their style.     ----Oh if only I could find a g*y man like this who's straight!  :)  

  19. I think you're half-way there.

  20. You cant, either you are g*y or you are not.

  21. You don't HAVE to be g*y to "look classy while drinking wheat grass and eating garden burgers." You can do that all by yourself....I don't "Flock" to the stereotypical g*y guys, and I have plenty of g*y friends.

    Just be yourself, and Women will like you.

    Hope I helped. :D

  22. Here are some top ineffective ways to “convert,” convince, coerce, cajole or otherwise change g*y Christians.

    Quote scripture at them. Using, or misusing passages from the Bible bent to suite your purposes does not work! Many of the same verses are used over and over, without the user fully having studied the context or meaning of the text.

    Question their salvation. Pretty presumptuous for any human to determine for another their spiritual destiny.

    Lump them in with pedophiles or p**n addicts. Baseless and cruel, solely for the purpose of fear mongering.

    Look like you are going to “vomit” when you find out someone you know is g*y. I went to a friend’s wedding with a couple other friends (a decade ago, before I “came out”). Afterward, one of them was talking about how much she liked one of the bridesmaids. The other friend looks at her and states: “Duh! She is g*y!” And the first friend, no kidding, looked like she was going to vomit! I knew right then, no matter what, I could never “come out” to them… and lost them as friends.

    Call them an “abomination.” You mean like eating shellfish, coming to church with glasses on, or playing football without gloves on “abomination”? Another selective (mis)use of scripture (more at this link).

    Use the “sinners aren’t going to heaven” argument against them. What about: “there are NONE righteous” and “ALL have sinned”? (Ro. 3:10 & 23). A Christian is only saved by grace and faith. Name one single person that attacks LGBT individuals who is not a “sinner.”

    Telling them their love is a “counterfeit.” Really? How? And don’t say because “gay couples cannot (naturally) conceive children from their union.”

    Telling them they are not good (or even “fit”) parents. It is not true, and it will only push them farther away from anyone or anything like the person attacking their parental nature!

    Label them “reprobate” or aberrant. This is definitely not how to “win friends and influence people”! I know those trying to “convert” g**s are not trying to “make friends” but seriously, this is not at all an effective influence tool.

    Make fun of what they wear. Or any other generalizations, or general name calling.

    Use shame.

    Use condemnation.

    Tell them that their “lifestyle” is unacceptable. What is all this about “lifestyle”? What is so different about what “I do” than “you do”? I work, feed my kids, pay my bills, go to church, go to the grocery store, help in my community (more at this link).

    Treat them like “lepers.” It was my first day in Grad school, so I was just taking it all in. It was ethics class. There was a very large couple sitting amongst the students. When talking about various individuals one might encounter and have an ethical obligation to, the g*y population came up. The couple then said in concert together: “I could never counsel THOSE people!” How sad! Definitely not a “WWJD?” perspective, but unfortunately, all to common amongst Christians and their gut reaction to g*y persons.

    Telling them “If God doesn’t judge you people, He will have to apologize to Sodom.” I have heard it said: “People don’t know what the Bible says about homosexuality, they only know what they have been TOLD that the Bible says about it.” Why is it, that of all the things mentioned in the Bible, this is THE one that is at the top of their worst “sin” list? I heard a professor answer a class that was clamoring about “gay marriage” with a question to them. What is the ratio in the Bible of number of times “homosexuality” (or references to it) is mentioned vs. the number of references to how God expects us to treat the poor? Silence, then some guesses. 7 to 1? 10 to 1? No, he answered: “700 to 1. So until we get it right as far as how God expects us to treat the poor, I have no right to condemn g*y people.”

    Withdraw relationship/fellowship from a person. You will be “rid” of that “sinner” friend or family member that way, but you will not have moved them to “covert”… only moved them to find a more loving and affirming place to hang out.

  23. well if you want to be g*y just because they get attention from women, then you can't be g*y, although you can fake being g*y but then women will like you as a friend an nothing more

  24. go the dr. and get some help and they will give you pills for depression and then you will be very g*y

    g*y means happy  

  25. So let me get this straight, you want to be g*y to have women "flock" to you, but you are g*y so you can't date them?

  26. accully i think women like emo gothic boys and for me i like criss angel hes not g*y i dont like g*y guys !!!!and nither do all the girls i know.

    hope u keep that in mind!!!

  27. If you study hard, and show commitment, maybe they'll let you join.

  28. don't look on others look only on yourself everybody are special

  29. metro sexual :

    Modern enlightened, sort of rennasance man. Secure and confident, capable and cool, typically well educated and stylish. Heterosexual with a twist, not g*y by any means, but he probally has a few g*y friends, and can easily be mistaken for g*y by rednecks and jock types. The only straight guy in a fabric store or antique shop who is not being dragged there by a woman.

    Become one of these guys.

  30. um you can only be g*y if you really like the same s*x not because you wanna look classy eating a ******* garden burger r****d.

  31. Unless you actually are attracted to men i dont know how possible it is to *BECOME* g*y... It would be a bit weird and i dont think you would "qualify" as g*y.

    Wrong section btw.  
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