
How can I become more confident with my friendships?

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I'm not confident in my friendships and I don't ever know who my real friends are. How can I find out? I'm also nervous to ask anyone I consider a friend to hang out or something.




  1. Hmmm... well you cant find real friends they just simply get into you, initially you might be hating them their certain acts irritate you when at start you meet them, but gradually when you get close then those irritating act amuse you.

    And time is the element which can build confidence in you, try trusting others but make your own decisions, follow your friends but use your mind too,

    And you never actually ask any of your friend to hang out around with, you will always be there if you are friends.

  2.  i was like that but just today i had found out because of the feelings inside me when i be with them;like i trust just got to hang around some of the people who you think will become good friends with you and then in general ask is not very hard;and before you know it,you will have dozens of friends!!!

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