
How can I become more focussed in a game of golf?

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How can I become more focussed in a game of golf?




  1. gamble(:

    jk. (but if it helps u concentrate...)

    just go into a zone.

    like look around at the course and completely forget everything going on in the outside world.

    and just golf.

  2. try to play with someone that is good all the time

    1 goofoff ruins my game

  3. Make it into something that would keep your attention, betting usually will keep your focus, considering if you s***w up you lose money, if not betting, say playing a game with a partner, where you guys are on a team. I'd say, if you drink, play drinking games, usually works for awhile, but always has the opposite effect in the end. I just think that golf is so much about focus, that if you can't focus, your not gonna play well. One more thing, if your a beginner or just not to good, try to focus on the next shot and forget about the last. The good shots are the ones you'll remember when the round is over, unless your playing drinking games,LOL!!!!

  4. Stop asking this question for every sport.

  5. craigslist.  You can find a lot of other people there trying to get better as well who offer advice.

    -I have spoken.

  6. Be the ball.

  7. Here's what i do, its kind of dumb but it definently works for me.

    Theres 5 rules

    1) Cell Phone is off, in the bag, and i dont look at it for the whole round.

    2) i chew gum, just something that is a constantly going on and it helps me slow down during the game. Some people chew tobacco or a toothpick, but whatever works

    3) never bring up anything besides golf in conversation, if you bring up women or a touchy subject, you can focus and this leads to higher scores.

    4) Always walk, the time inbetween shots allows you to focus on the shot you have to hit. It gives you time to plan, and youll be more prepared than when you're in a cart

    5) never count your score before the nine is over. That is just like asking for a double bogey. Write down the score for the hole and just work on making a good shot everytime. Dont say, have 35 strokes, i need to make a birdie, it makes you get overly aggressive.

  8. We have no idea what the distractions may be which cause you not to focus on the game. Your head is yours alone. Your thought processes are yours so we  cannot delve there. Perhaps , you may not be focussed in any part of your life so why would golf be any different ?  So, I advise when you are on the course, focus only on the shot you are about to make. If you can do this, do the same with the next shot, and the next. So very little attention span is required for the game itself and you can unfocus between shots.

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