
How can I become more innocent?

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I'm 15...I know alot about the world.

Well, more than I'd like to know.

I just wish I could go back to the time when I was naive and curious and innocent.

How can I become more innocent?

Is there anything I can do to return to my childhood?

I don't mean to be unmature...but be mature and stilll find joy in everything even when the world isn't perfect.




  1. You are wise.  And self-aware.  And I know the answer.

    Go to, in the upper left corner is "be still and know", a free download.  It's an exercise, a 'meditation' of sorts and I think the commentary by the founder of the Foundation of Human Understanding will tell you everything you need to know.  There is also a radio program, which I recommend.

    Not a cult, nothing to join, it's a good outfit.

    The secret of life is to not be resentful about the Truth you see all around.  That perception is God-given, seen in 'the Light of Truth', don't add judgment, which is ego/Pride, the same mistake as in the metaphore of the garden of eden.   Approach the madness of this world with merry eyes twinkling and you will "become as a little child".  (a little Jesus lingo there...)

    In the books by Carlos Castaneda, his mentor, a Yaqui Indian sorcerer, told a great truth, that "intent is summoned with the eyes".   Maybe you are unhappy with men, but put a twinkle in your eyes and the world looks much happier :-)  You can regain your innocence. Start now before you become jaded and hard.  I can tell from your question that you are already on the right path.  Hang in there.  

    May The Force be with you!


  2. There really is no way to return to that point in time. It's called growing . The pain and hurts of reality is what makes us into the person we finally become.

  3. I can see where you are coming from and how you are thinking. Well, to put it in a nutshell, our reason for being here on earth isn't to be for demonstrating innocence but to learn kindness, compassion, and wisdom. It is by our experiences that we learn about life and must grow into something better as we go through our daily living. I think you've got to take charge more of your life and activities.

    I feel what you mean to say is you prefer harmony, goodwill, and a sense of fun and lightheartedness. You have every right to protect your inner person and be happy, so the best thing is to be more selective in what you do, learn to choose what you want to do or learn and don't be influenced by others too much. Develop your own interests and then find others you can share them with. That way you'll create more harmony by being with the right friends.

    Hope this helps.

  4. There is a way to become more innocent... it is the way that Monks, Mystics, and Yogis have been using  for thousands of years. They become pure and more innocent, but they don't lose the extra things they learned in the past. It's the best of both worlds.

    Most of them use stillness to do it (Yoga meditation and the like). So that is the way to do it. This will explain it in Christian terms if you want to understand it from that perspective.

  5. No, you can't go back to that. That's the bad news. But the good news is that you can grow up to be a person who takes responsibility and this will give you different joys in life, different but just as good.

    With the knowledge you have now, about good and evil etc, you can make a stand and choose to change something in the world around you, in the way you interact with the people around you etc. You can decide not to do it the way you perceive as negative, egoistic or whatever. The joy of being an adult is that you can actually influence the whole thing more. And when you make a difference, the world around you will also become nicer towards you and you'll see that the things that brought you joy as a child are still there and there are people with who you can still interact as if you were children because you can really trust them and you create real friendships by being a real friend. Like little islands of rest, of retreat in a "cold world".  

  6. TURN   ((((((((OFF))))))))))   your  computer...    T.V.   and  radio,,,

    LOL..  just  kiddin.....

      more  important  is    WHY  you  want  to   become  more  innocent?...   ponder  on  that   a  bit!!..

    *good luck*

  7. I understand how you feel. I fear change and growing apart from my family and friends. I've seen more of the world than I ever wanted to, and I want to go back. I think that's why I write my fantasy stories now. Get lost in a book, or listen to some music you used to love. Cuddle up with a stuffed animal, and just daydream. You'll get through this time if you focus on something else that's happy and comforting.

    Good luck, kid at heart!

  8. hmmm... well, i'd say just simplify things some, don't think about it much, its what i do, and i'm in a pretty good mood about things. its really the only thing i can think of to do.

  9. Just remember the following:

    "Beauty is in simplicity"

  10. You can't become more innocent.  Once you've lost a bit of your innocence, it's gone forever.  We all lose it eventually.

    But you can do the last part - be mature and still find joy in life and its imperfections.  I can't tell you how - you just have to learn to accept what you've learned.

  11. I , personally , think That innocence is not about how much you know but it's being in awe of things that you don't understand  and not  judging  people .  I don't think anyone loosing their innocence entirley so don't worry about it . Knowledge is vital to survive , even if it does'nt always seem that way .

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