
How can I become more like Paris Hilton?

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How can I become more like Paris Hilton?




  1. i hope your joking and if your not, you should be put down.

  2. everyone can be like her i guess.

    everyone can be a b***h

  3. Why on earth would you want to????

    She is nothing special!!

  4. I'll teach you if you teach me how to be like Britney Spears. :D

  5. First I was like ... WOAH! And then I was like ROFLMAO.

    Haha, too funny.

    Omg, I'm still laughing .. XD I need to take a breather ....XD

    Why would you want to be like her anyways? =D

    Ok this is what you do:

    #1: Be anorexic.

    #2: Buy yourself a Chihuahua. =D

    #3: Say ''That's hot'' for no reason.

    #4: Dress Porny

    #5: Be dumb.

    #6: Violated the probation, Having an expired license, violate two traffic laws and get drunk when driving. And get caught by the COPS!!! WAY TO GO PARIS! I'M VOTING YOU FOR PRESIDENT!!!!

    #7: Best Part .... Drum roll please .....*drumming* ... Jail!!!

    Oh yeah, bring yourself a calendar just in case. You need something to count down your jail days. =D

    Im not sure, if you can really be like her ... She's too fake ... yeah, everything on her is a FAKE ... I know ... fake b***s ...fake everything! lol. She's not even a real lady! She's a Barbie doll worth nothing!

    That's HOT! XD You should practice saying that for the next 23 years of your life!



    (If your a Paris look a like you should have no problem)

  6. Stop caring about life, people, family, reputation, humanity, and anything else of any importance, and you're good to go.

  7. why do you wanna be like her? be yourself and proud of who u r

  8. go buy her perfume and spray it all over yourself

    its smells good rofl, its true


  10. "Thats hot"

    "wheres my doggies"

    I love paris though!

    Boo thumbs down, I love her.

  11. Lose 100 IQ points, dress like a s***k, and talk about really stupid things that no one cares about.

  12. be born rich and have no clue what its like to be in the real world and actually have to work for things...

  13. why would you wanna be that skinny ***** narrow minded blonde

  14. Act dumb and die you hair blonde and say thats hot every five seconds  

  15. Like jen answer Lobotomy?

  16. say that's hot every 10 minutes

    and go shopping

  17. um caryyy a little chihuahua in a bag.

    say THATS HOT alottt.

    um buy designer things.

    drink starbucks.

    talk like your holding your nose.

    blonde hair.

    whatelse ?

  18. Dump battery acid in your ear.

  19. wow stop watching TV and learn what a real roll model is.  anyone who wants to be like her is a looser to say the least.

  20. find someone with billions of dollars to adopt you

  21. why the h**l would you want to be like her?

  22. In an interview with Kathy Hilton, she said that Paris once put a blonde wig on a teddy bear to use as a decoy when she snuck out once. So, you could try that. ;-D

  23. do 100 lines of cocaine everyday  

  24. why in the name of all that is pure and untainted would you want to be like Paris "i'm a worthless piece of human clay" Hilton?  be you, YOURE incredible, Hilton is a dimwitted stuck up *****, come on sweetheart, you don't need to lower yourself to seem like her.

  25. why would you want to be more like paris hilton and not your unique fun self?  why do you want to emulate a dumb, fake, blonde haired heiress who doesn't have a smart thing out of her mouth and has poor fashion sense?!  why not enjoy yourself the way you are?

  26. I don't know..   I have watched a lot of small videos to try and work this one out.  I will do some more research.

  27. Lobotomy?

  28. By stopping being concerned about anybody else but your self, dress like a cheap hooker and act like you're better than everybody else.  Not to mention don't accomplish anything with your life.

  29. 1. Die your hair blond.

    2.wear blue contacts

    3. walk around like you are the ****.

    4. go and get bashed out of your skull every night.

  30. get all of your daddys money band spend it while being anorexic and going to jail(:

  31. Get a Chihuahua.

    Dye hair blonde.

    Wear skimpy clothes.

    Say "that's hot" 23809812 times.

    Make a porno.

    Copy best friend. (Even date her bf's brother!)

    Make album.

    Make perfume line.

    Make clothing line.

    Be your #1 FAN!

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