
How can I begin living when I never had before?

by Guest61692  |  earlier

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What is keeping me back from driving? The last time I went out for my driver's license test was 2001. I was in an emotional situation with a person and I was never able to concentrate. I believe that this person would save me but they never got in touch with me and I fell further than I ever could imagine. Obviously there were extreme psychological disorders that I had to contribute to me needing to hear from this person but it was what is was. How do I begin to start living my life? What should I do first? Get a job? Learn to drive? Do both at the same time? In addition, I think someone is after me. How can I block this out of my head and do what normal people do on a regular basis




  1. If you're not already seeing a counselor/psychiatrist, you should definitely do that. It can help a lot. It's a lot easier to get a job when you can take yourself there so you should learn to drive and get your driver's license first, then try the job.

  2. First change that name "Sad and Miserable" to something else that is not negative.

    When you have negative thoughts of yourself you become those negative thoughts.  Therefore if you see and tell yourself you are "Sad and Miserable" you will be sad and miserable.  You need to change the way you look at yourself, and that is to stop looking at yourself in a bad light and start filling your mind with good images about yourself.

    The first thing to do in order to start living a good life is to change your state of mind.  How we think of ourselves affects how we feel about ourselves.  Feeling bad will cause your mind to not be able to handle life's challenges and obstacles.

    When you feel great you feel like you can achieve anything, and you can.  When you feel bad, you don't even do the things you need to do in your life.  Feelings are very important.  Start thinking positive things and do positive things in order to start feeling good.  Try to do anything that makes you feel good.

    When you start feeling good, do things one step at a time.  Get your act together, start cleaning your room, have an organized environment, start taking care of yourself, eat better and exercise every day.  Don't put yourself down, have goals and repeat to yourself outloud that you can achieve those goals.

    Visualize having the life you want to have, and think about it all the time.  Don't get discouraged, let that desire to have a good life be your motivation.  Thinking about a good future and that you can and will achieve that future will change your mindset and your mind will take care of you.

    Your mind affects your reality.  Take care of your mind, of your thoughts.  Whenever you have bad thoughts tell yourself, "Stop it, don't think about that", and change your thoughts to something good, something that will make you feel good.

    For example, do you have all limbs, eyesight, hearing, nothing wrong with you physically? Well, give thanks that you have your health and body intact, there are people who wish they still had a leg, or an arm, or an eye.  You are in a much better situation, so be happy that you are in a much better situation.

    Be happy about a lot of things, because there is more reason to be happy than to be sad, you can still change your life, be happy about that.  And keep telling yourself that you will change your life.  Don't stop thinking positively, and don't tell yourself that you can't, ever.  A positive way of thinking is very very powerful, it has changed many lives and it has changed my life.

    I have Bipolar Disorder.  I had lost my job, my health, my relationship, and my friends.  But after agonizing about my situation, I realized I still can change my life.  I started to be positive, and didn't want to back down.  I am exercising every day, eating better, taking my medication daily, socializing, and have a better outlook in life now.  You will be able to get things done once you get a positive state of mind.  Trust me, you owe it to yourself to start thinking differently.

    Edit:  Also, don't get discouraged if changes aren't happening right away.  It will take a while, but it's a slow process, but the process happens.

  3. Just take babysteps...try something new,remember every long journey to happiness begins with the first step!  If you do nothing to make your life better, it won't get better, only the same or worse.

  4. can't do everything at once. and you certainly shouldn't try for the job while learning to drive, not a good idea. you believed a person could save you? from what? the only One who can save you, Literally, is Jesus. call out His name and He will answer, and He will NEVER let you down. do it now. x

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