
How can I behave so people won't gossip around me?

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I hate it when I'm at work and all I hear is "so and so is late" and "so and so isn't giving me enough hours, working hard, blah blah blah." I have friends that never have to deal with gossip? What's the secret?




  1. They key is not to give out personal details about yourself or your life that will just give the gossipers something to talk about.  But even with that, you can't stop them all.  Just refuse to associate with them and when they do gossip, just let the comment in one ear, out the other.  

    I work in a hospital and even there in that "supposed" professional setting, the nurses gossip amongst themselves and with each other.  I guess no matter where you go, you will find these types of people.

  2. My suggestion is you don't care what others say coz gossiping is something uncontrollable. You also cannot be sure that your friends is free of gossiping coz you cannot hear everything. Just ignore and do your best. HOWEVER if the gossip is true and 'bout something you always do improfessionaly. You should improve yourself and do everything that you think it's best for you to do so.  

  3. The secret is to... NOT CARE... Those people dont have lives if they spend their time gossiping about you. Be yourself.

  4. Change or redirect the subject when it turns to gossip.  Pointedly bring up positive qualities when others are being negative.  Careful about being too pious about it though, ppl will start talking about you behind your back!

  5. I'd say don't have so much of a reaction. If you don't get involved, they'll go to someone else. Also, they probably think you're trustworthy, and there's nothing you can do about that=( Just ignore it, and do you best=)

  6. It depends who you choose to surround yourself with.

  7. My grandmother used to say, "If a dog will bring a bone, he will carry one too."   This means that if someone feels comfortable about talking gossip to you about someone, they are probably talking about you to someone else.

    The best thing to do whenever someone starts gossiping is to get up and walk away.  My wife had to learn the hard way because someone was gossipping and while she never opened her mouth, word got back to the person that was being gossipped about and my wife's name was included in the story as one of the gossipers.  I have now personally seen her get up and get out of the room whenever a conversation takes a nasty turn.

    If you are at work and are unable to leave, first try changing the subject.  If that doesn't work, be direct: tell the person, I am not comfortable with this subject; let's change it or tell them "I don't have anything against so and so, and I want to keep it that way".  Stay away from this person, for whatever the reason they are determined to get you involved!  If the gossip continues discuss it with your manager or Human Resources.  You are at work to make money for the company.  Anything that distracts or takes away from that can be stopped if addressed correctly.

  8. Keeping your nose clean, and perfoming well within your role.. and also put out a nice freindly image.. but don't over do the friendly stuff. Keep your busines to yourelf and dont' dwindle in others!  

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