
How can I believe in a god when the world is blinded with hate and suffering ?

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What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?

here's my plan : I want to help but how can I help ?I want to change the world .




  1. You don't have to believe.

    The world's nature is full of contraries.

    And Sri Aurobindo optly says in his magnum opus, SAVITRI, A legend and and symbol,

    "All contraries prepare for her harmony".

    By hatred, you come to understand the power of love.

    By suffering, you come to understand the power of happiness, of sharing, of compassion.

    The best way to change the world is, just change yourself first.

  2. it's even harder to believe in God when your personal life goes into the sh*tter.

    i've always had a strong faith bc my beloved grandmother took me to church and since it was so important to her, it became absolutely important to me.

    and it's even harder to believe in God when you go to church and the ppl there are either wearing plastic smiles or relentlessly judgmental.

    what blows me away is that our only source of potential harm is each other. trees don't hurt us. mountains don't hurt us. some wild animals will hurt us but only if we invade their territory. we are afraid of each other. each and every day. and we don't take care of each other. that's why we have orphans with no home. that's why we have the homeless.

    does God fix how we treat each other? that's a toughie.

    not sure what to tell you about changing the world. i used to feel the same way too but there is so much apathy and so much greed that we're outnumbered. we've got too many children who aren't being raised in happy, healthy homes and they don't learn empathy and they grow up to take out their issues on everyone else.

    the only thing i know of to do is be the best person you can be and try to make some small change in your little part of the world.  

  3. Believing/not believing is personal choice.

    If you want to help make the world a better place, maybe you could do some volunteer work at an organization that helps people less fortunate.

  4. The funny thing is that religious people are normally the ones spreading hate. They will deny this but you can easily see it when it comes to homosexuals or anyone who opposes their belief system. There is no need to change the world. The world is just fine. Its the people that are screwed, but thats nature. Well over 90% of all species that lived on this planet are now extinct. Unless we can start living on other planets we will eventually become extinct as well. So i say if you want to help man kind further it's existence, donate to space exploration programs.  

  5. you dont have to belive in god, its boot about belive..lolz. god is here and now,  if some one is w***e she is w***e..thats is..lolz what is god doing in it.. even w***e house has a you have to understand and backoff your self if you dont want to ruin you existance pece..eveone is diffetn from each other..and they have some my bros wife is like w***e..she is inst w***e..but she is like al most w*** one i said no dear woman like to be called w***e..she i also will not tell her..but i tell you yahoo teamx to that name by me..lololz

    i dont want to help her..wisely i will help anyone who would like to hang with her.;) lolz...lozl.zzololz.  i will show you her pic soon..lolz.

    ok.. 1st sep is comein at my pecis..lolzlzheheheheh.lolz.lolzolozl zozozlololl... ok tell you truly my mind peace breaks down by her whoreing stuff befor...a lot of people like her who dosent like a v****a. .. you see god made v****a and ***, who am i to come she nice things, brwon v****a.. mostly i seen old gods likes her..i proabbly thinks she hooked a lot of epople cars..and she is comeing lolzz.ol..uhh, i really have to move from here..i will proably die in some months.. i dont know.. but yeah this is the reality.. you were happy when i was telling i will die in some months..isnt it? why dont you like it? but anyway, if you remove your things in me. that can also give me peace..whynoe...anyway, i well come your evilness... what i can do..? i cant do nothing..

    so, i hoep evenyone will like the nice indian w***e coeming..and thanks for the break aka back support in australia..and indai here too its has been great thanks eveyone..

  6. "without suffering there would be no compassion"

    Go out into your community and help.


    If you can help one life, it's worth it.

  7. Simple.  Believe in a God that allows hate and suffering.

  8. go and volonteer or recycle or just keep praying to GOD  for an answerr

  9. remember, God gave man free will, so he may not be bound to do what is written in a script, like a play. He gave man the chance to impress Him, or to fail Him. but if you can love God for what He is and what He gave you, you will impress him. remember, what you are is God's gift to you. what you make of it is your gift to God.

  10. As to your second question, "What difference does it make....?", the answer that comes to mind is "None." People are, in fact, capable of twisting principles to the point that they will campaign for totalitarian controls under the banners of liberty and democracy.

    People are, in general, capable of extremely twisted behavior, and I have found that they are usually all the more capable of such things if they can find or manufacture a principle to justify it. The more reasoning they apply, the more justifications they can produce for doing evil on the grounds that either their intentions or the ultimate ends will be good (despite the fact that they rarely control the ultimate ends, and therefore their intentions are utterly impotent beyond the scope of the nasty things they're actually doing).

    That's not a pretty analysis, and certainly not at all encouraging. But here's where (and that's why) I take a different tack at this point. I do not believe that people are capable of fixing their imperfections on their own (largely because, as I mentioned above, the application of reason to the problem normally produces nothing but rationalizations). But I know perfectly well, because I have seen it, that people can also be capable of doing good, and of rejecting reasoned arguments for doing evil.

    I believe that the ability to do so comes not from within us but from outside: I choose to believe that God, and God's grace, is involved. The fact that so much that is good is also illogical is also evidence that it comes from a source beyond our own capacities.

    Incidentally, a side consequence of this is that I don't believe that my beliefs are necessarily right. They're just my best approximation of an explanation for the world as I see it. Those who believe in their own rightness tend to believe in themselves more than in any God they happen to profess to obey, and they generally turn out to be among those capable of doing the worst things with good intentions.

    Believing in a God of grace, and specifically in a God who is beyond your comprehension and not primarily concerned with affirming your own beliefs, is humbling. But I submit that belief is associated with many of the people who have, in fact, done something to change the world for the better.

  11. Thats why it is called beliveing.  

  12. The answer: begin with changing your self.

    the world is ending, the times they are changing, you must choose a side now.

    you can live for the moment, but you'll die in a moment, instead live for eternity, fight for that 'eternity' now.

    don't look to humanity to justify God's existence, man's intentions have always been wicked, God will not force His ways on us, we have to choose.

    i don't talk of religion, it is deception and falsehood.

    i speak of something greater, connect yourself to the source of life and He will use you to heal the broken hearted, to free the captives, to heal the sick, to comfort those who mourn.

    you have to connect yourself to that source of life, the living water, the only One who can bring refreshment, healing and meaning to our pathetic lives, His name is Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Prince of peace. He was dead but now He lives forever and watches us from heaven above, looking if there is any one who feels pain for this world.

    He is looking for someone like you. Allow Him to manifest His love through your life.

    i would like to say more. but i will end here. my words are useless if you disregard them.

    friend, you cannot run from your destiny, you have been identified and chosen by Him from the time you were in your mother's womb.

  13. The power of metaphor can influence you to believe that which the metaphorical illusion promotes.

  14. You can't.  Most people have not accepted Objective Reality, God springs forth from the primitive limbic system of their brains, the last remnants of our reptilian past. The area where our raw emotions reside, including the irrational belief systems.

    The 'religious' experience is triggered by deep depression, starvation, near death, or other highly charged situations. The 'born-again' christian phenomena has a scientific basis....yes, your limbic system. Why has man evolved this mechanism you might ask? was a survival mechanism of our cave man ancestors to cope with a hostile and unknown universe.

    The cerebral cortex is a more recent development. Here is where our rational and logical thought processes take place. It is here that the atheists have found their basis in reality.

    In reality, there is no sentient, omnipresent, omnipotent supernatural being, supernatural entity or benevolent force....therefore all the inequities and misery of the world will always persist, some will have good things happen to them and some not, some will blame the invisible entity but objective reality wins all the matter how hard some try to get that limbic brain of theirs to work...sorry

    And why does bad things happen to good people all the time? When the tectonic plates crash into each other causing human calamity, they don't worry about Karma, good and bad, evil and riteousness. Life's paths are made up of random circumstances, some predictable and some not. Most religious people will state that god has a 'bigger' plan for them and humans in general, that we can't know the 'big picture.' Most say there can't be good unless we know or experience the depths of evil.

    Is it fair to have predation, disease, deformities, child rape, parasites and evil in the world or to a have compassion, we need to know the horror of misery? If the answer is yes, then with god(s) like that, who need them?

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