
How can I best estimate flight time for a commercial scheduled flight based soley on distance in miles?

by  |  earlier

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I have a list of hundreds of cities and the distance between them in miles. I need to estimate how long it would take to fly between those cities. I don't have the time to manually lookup every flight combination, so just want to estimate the best I can based on the distance. Any ideas?




  1. Modern aircrafts fly at an average speed of 500 miles per hour. You can use that to roughly estimate flight times. if you are traveling due east it will be about 10% more, 10% less if going due west. This is because of the jet stream.

  2. Divide the mileage by 7.  That's about how many minutes it'll take.

  3. You won't get a great estimate because airport times can be fickle. Flights alone can be estimated at very rough average of 400 to 450 miles per hour, from gate to gate. (that's including time spent taxiing and takeoffs, landings, aproach, etc.) Again, thats a rough estimate, and it doesn't account for baggage claim and such, but it's a start.


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