
How can I better let women know they are truly in charge?

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Buy them lunch? Listen? Bow down before them? Emulate them in every way? Others?




  1. I don't know what women you've been dating, but I don't like to be in charge of a man.  I prefer to be in an equal relationship.

    As for how you can let women know you are truly worth dating... try treating them like normal people.

  2. Ask all your mommies politely to sit on your face, little man.

    You sub boys are a riot!

  3. Come see me...

  4. This depends on what areas of the ralationship should she be incharge. It is not quite good if you let her do taking charge of everything. We women love to feel we have equal  treatment with men. I don't think any woman here would love to do dominate in all areas of the married life.

    I feel happy when my husband let me  take charge of the budgeting. But when it comes to kids... it should be shared.

    when it comes to bed... it shud be take turns..LOL

    and when it comes to decession should be weighed then agree.

    If you want to let her feel she is in charge... you can maybe agree her when arguments  arise. Let her feel she is the winner, even if its NOT. LOL.

    Then again we are not all created equal... so what might works for me might not work for the others.

    You know her better. if in doubt "communicate with her".

  5. See your local S & M practitioner.

  6. Ha ha, I'm sure you're fishing for reactions. A lot of men here will scold you for this.

    Think: 'equal' relationships, from now on sonny Jim.

  7. Hand over your wallet.

  8. With my wife there are two ways. Oral s*x is frequent and ALWAYS me pleasuring her. She does not perform oral s*x on me at all. Also, she takes advantage of my foot fetish by making me l**k her feet clean, and suck her toes. She recently made me kiss her bare feet in front of about a dozen people at a party. You will reflexively be submissive with someone when you frequently have their feet in your mouth.

    The face sitting is fun too Carlos. Don't knock it until you try it.

  9. If you want them or your wife? to be in charge, verbalize that.  See what their reaction is and what they want.  

    You know, I tried to make my ex-wife the happiest in all the world, etc.  Frequently I got her surprises, gifts, flowers, etc.  

    It didn't work.  Maybe it's human nature to get bored.

    La Belle Dame Sans Merci has a great answer: listen and be caring.  That's what they want.

    Patois's answer was excellent.  Something for many of us to ponder.    

    Good luck!

  10. Many men have "mommy" issues and it's important, before they s***w up their own lives and other's lives, including children, in failed marriages based on unresolved "mommy" issues to spend some years dissociated with women, get counseling and become more emotionally stable.  In any Master / Slave relationship in which men are bitter and confused about who's in "charge", the men themselves, and women, too, are frequently setting up the very relationship themselves to perpetuate the bitterness they felt with their mothers being in "charge" and it feeds their martyr complex.

  11. Become a feminist. By doing this however, you have surrendered and forsaken all allegiance your gender as well as your own personal masculinity. In the good old days you would be stoned to the city gates for such a shameless and vile betrayal. These days however you will just be reviled and made fun of by men and secretly disrespected by most women.

  12. Really listen and care.

  13. Don't.  We hate that, really.  

    We don't want to be dominated (really guys, despite what you may think, the majority of us hate this bullsh*t), but we don't want a pushover, either.  We want an equal--to paraphrase a country song, we want a man to stand beside us, not in front of or behind us.  Just be yourself, be confident in who you are, and approach women in such a way that it isn't too terribly obvious that you're desperate (if you aren't, I'm sorry, that's just how your post comes across).

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