
How can I block someone from commenting on my blog or page?

by  |  earlier

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This guy revealed the full name of a Contact of mine and he gives me the creeps sometimes. I put him on Ignore and reported him for Abuse. He still gets through to my page or my blog.

What can I do? I just filed another abuse report.

Anything else I can do? I left a comment on his page asking him to stop.




  1. Under edit my profile, click spam. Scroll down to "commnets". Check only allow friends to add comments  to my blog. Also, check view comments 1st. Save all changes. You can also block him/her.

  2. You can block him if you call Vinny, he'll make sure that guy gets 'the message'.  The last guy who did that to me wound up running naked down 21st with honey on his back and a raccoon hat on his head.  I was like 'GIRL you is CRAZY!!'

  3. Just visit their Yahoo!360 page and click on the "Ignore This Person" button.  It might be that the Yahoo!360 software is NOT working correctly.  

    Since you already sent in a Yahoo!360 Abuse report, then you just need to wait for someone to process your request.   I don't think there are many people left on the Yahoo!360 Team from what I've read and heard.

    This is what the 360 Help section said:

    Q:  What does it mean to ignore someone?

    A:  By ignoring someone, you will no longer receive Yahoo! 360° communications from that person. No more messages, invitations, or testimonials.

    To ignore someone, go to the person's Yahoo! 360° page, and click "Ignore" in the left column.

    To remove someone from your Ignore List, click "My Friends" at the top of the page, and select "Ignore List" from the left. Then click "Stop Ignoring This Person."

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