
How can I boil water using solar energy using only a pan and metals?

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How can I boil water using solar energy using only a pan and metals?




  1. kick you ******* ***, it will boil quickly...


  2. i don't know but however you do it, it will take all day. just start a fire and put a pan on it.

    you can condensate water with plastic over tree branches and grass and catch that, just as good as boiled water.

  3. if you use the metal to strike a flint you can boil water but not using Solar Power unless you use a Magnifying glass but then you could very well burn a hole through the pot

  4. Do you specifically want boiling water?  Or do you want to cook with the solar radiation?

    You can cook with a solar oven.  Just google the words "solar oven" and you will come up with lots of plans on how to make them, and places that sell them.

    I think solar ovens can get hot enough to boil water, but I'm not sure.  They take about four hours to cook a meal, at peak sunlight time...a meal can be a whole chicken and vegtables.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  5. The metal gets formed into a parabolic reflector. The pan of water is mounted at the focal point. Then you need a very sunny day.

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