
How can I bond with my new pony?

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I got my first pony yestarday....she's sooo cute a 14 hand , 16yr quarter pony. I was hoping she would be interested in me but she wasn't....she came from an 9hour long drive though. Is she just interested in her new home and horses? How long does it take before they take interest in their new owner? Any good ideas for bonding with a new horse? I was going to get her out today and just walk her around the stable, what else can I do to bond with her?




  1. You should try Parelli Natural Horsemanship, it really helps get a relationship going with your new pony. My horses and I have never had a better relationship! Congrats!

  2. If I were you I would use join up. It is a way of communicating with a horse/pony using it's own language, and therefore gaining it's trust. I have used join up on all my horses and it works.

    It only takes about half an hour, and that is all you need before you are bonded for life.

    Join up was invented by Monty Roberts, who has written some really good books on horses. His books will probably be in your local library, and all of them give detailed descriptions and instructions on join up.

    It does actually work, because I have used it on all my horses and I managed it first time each time. It is really easy, and it only takes half an hour. If a 13 year old can do it, you can do it.

    Join up is what mustangmare said, but it is better if you read how to do it, because mustangmare left out a few important points, such as ensuring you keep eye contact, squaring your shoulders, and making sure you do not let it stop moving.

    This is not being cruel, and please do not be afraid of driving a horse away. Once the horse has asked to be your friend, you or the horse will never forget that moment.

    It is also best if you wait about a week to give her time to settle in first

  3. It takes some time for the horse to get used to its surroundings and then after she is she'll take to her likes and dislikes of her surroundings e.i. horses. If you spend enough time with your horse she will take plenty of interest with you when she is used to you being there. There are plenty of things you can do to bond with your horse!

    * walking her

    * feeding her

    * giving her treats

    * grooming her

    * bathing her (if she likes it)

    * or sometimes just petting her and spending time with her

    * also if she is trained... riding her is a great way also especially like a trail ride or something

    * get to know her likes and dislikes and she'll take to you immediatly! You just have to get to know your horse.

    Congradulations on the new horse and I wish you the best of luck

  4. The guy who said its natural for the pony to be more interested in other equines is right, but you can overcome that and truly bond with your pony.

    The other posters are right, spend lots of time grooming her, talking to her, walking her around and riding her.

    But also, if you can become a leader for your pony this will get her to trust you at a high level making your bond with her that much stronger. You can do this by taking some time out to do ground work with her. A good exercise is the hook-on or join-up in the round pen. I have gotten my horses to bond very strongly with me by performing that exercise.


  5. If I were you, I would let her settle in, show her around, let her get used to everything. Wait about a couple weeks. Then, you can ride her through trails. For bonding, you can:

    Take her into an open field, and let her lead you cause then it will show her you work as a team.

    You can also spend extra time with her so she knows you love her.

    Be Extra gentle with her.

    I think it would be smart to just walk her around outside, smart idea=]

    Well, hope this helps=]

    Best of Luck an Congrats!


  6. Oh, she must be tired and excited at the same time. At this time, I would just let her relax, and confide in her new surroundings.

    Give her a nice clean box stall. Keep with her old diet that the recent owners had her on, than gradually introduce your feed slowly, and to her new Horse friends, so none will harm her.

    A lot of grooming, and talk softly around her.

    When I bring in a new Horse, it takes about two days to get her feeling at home.

    Have fun with your new Horse!

  7. Well she is probably getting used to the new surroundings and to bond. walk her, feed her, and spend time with her. thats the best you can do.

  8. Spend time with your new pony every day.  Groom her, pick her feet, talk to her, ride her or walk her around to familiarize her with her new surroundings.

    It's all about spending time with her.

  9. Dude, I have the exact answer for you.

    I googled the exact same thing "how to bond with a horse".

    It's a lot to read, but if you do it, you will achieve a bond and a genuine connection while also being able to successfully communicate with each other.

    It is the s**z-nizzy.

    My dad read it and actually allowed himself to learn from it.  And he has a really... "only I know what to do and how to do thinks" kind of attitude.

  10. Some good things to do would be brush her talk to her pet her. A really good thing to do is a join up. (if you don't know what it is then email me)

  11. Take her into a round pen, and drive her around the outside edge. After a while her inside ear will flick to you. Then she'll lower her head and start making chewing motions. When she does this, tun your back to her and droop your shoulders. Make yourself seem as non-threatening as possible. This will make her come to you.

    Lead mares and stallions in wild herds when a horse does something they don't like, they are driven away until they ask, by doing the chewing thing,  to come back. Its like asking permission.

    Your pony will come to you, pet her a little then walk a little. She'll follow you.

  12. just be there.. spend time.. work on ground manners. take your pony to out and sit around while she eats some grass and groom her all the time... just spend time and she will attatch herself to you like superglue.

  13. You wont have an instant bond with her. She is too concerned at the moment about her new surroundings.

    Within time she will know you are her carer, you just have to be patient. Spend as much time with her, feed fer, groom her lots, find out her scratchy spots, lunge her, work her, go up to her in the field and give her treats and strokes, etc. All this will develop your friendship together.

    Give it time.

    Good Luck - she sounds lovely.

  14. if she is new let him get used to the surroundings around her. after a couple of weeks give her a treat. go out to the barn and lead her around the property. don't worry she will like you I grantee it.

  15. No offense, but it sounds like you may be romanticizing the horse-human relationship a bit.  It's natural for your pony to be more interested in her new equine neighbors and surroundings than in you.

    Spending time, the right kind of time, will establish a relationship with her.  Walking her around is a good start.  It's important to establish yourself as the herd leader around her, by very clearly asking her to do things (stop, turn, back up, etc) and then rewarding her immediately (not with treats, but by stopping asking and giving a kind word or pat or two).  I don't know how old you are, but you may need an experienced adult to demonstrate this.  It is VERY important that your pony respect you, as there's nothing more miserable than a spoiled equine.  It's not about being mean, it's about letting her know you are a really good and trustworthy leader.  

    Congrats on your new pony, and hope all goes well for you both.

  16. awwww have alot of fun!! Ok...yeah, don't stress. If she just came from a 9-hour drive the LAST thing she is considering is connecting. It's gonna take some time before she relaxes. Just give her some time to get used to her new place. She sounds like a wonderful pony and you are going to have alot of fun with her. The best way to bond with her is to spend as much time as possible with her, make things comfortable and relaxing. Have fun! And give her some time!

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