
How can I book a ticket in an indian rail and do I need a reservation for a small journey?

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I want to know all the procedures of booking a ticket in an indian rail.Do I need to book a resrvation for a small journey.I also want to know that what are the resrvation procedures in an indian rail?




  1. Go to the nearest reservation office that`s in Railway station in your locality. Follow these steps to reserve your ticket:-

    1.) You will have to fill the form given in counters incase of long journey   and then book the tickets. Also your tickets must be booked 60 days in advance incase of laste booking and already the seats are reserved ur ticket will be under witing list.

    Incase of short journey you may purchase the tickets directly without filling any info.

    2.)It all depends on Kms. of journey. so you must better follow the instructions given 2 u by the reservation office counter.

    3.) To fill the reservation form u must know the following things- 1.your Name 2. Age 3. Class that u want to travel in.(what is available in the train youre boarding, For these you refer trains at a glance time table book)

    Still if you are unable to follow the following things for clear instruction you may refer to the following-

    Trains at a Glance (Time table book of trains) which is available at all important railway stations. You may enquire about this to the station master he will help u in getting this book.

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