
How can I break this news to my husband?

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My husband has been trying to locate one of his friends since we had our little girl in January. We have not been able to get in contact with him except for one time and that was right after our daughter was born. My husband is in school right now with the army and I don't want to upset him, but I did a google search and found where his friend is. He is currently in jail on a $500,000 bond for sexually assulting a 13 year old boy, giving him marijuana, showing him p**n, buying him a cell phone so he can get in contact with him, buying him cigarettes, and giving him alcohol. While in prison he pretended to be an army recruiter and now faces life in prison and his next court date is september 8th. How should I break this news to my husband???




  1. well... it wont be a fun conversation. I'd just gather all the documents you have.... and tell you husband "i'm sorry, i'm here for you, but you have to know....." and hand them to him......As his wife you really should not keep things from him, just be there for him.... it will be a very tough situation...

    God bless, Good luck.

  2. Daaaammmmnnnnnn

  3. just tell him if he is in the army he has thick enough skin

  4. Wait for him to come back from the military training.

    Tell him about what you have found about the friend without demeaning their friendship. After he knows about it, try other means of diverting his attention and find some leisure family activities.  

  5. if this were my husband, there would be no question, i would sit him down and tell him

    sure its going to be hard, but i know he would far rather hear it from em than anyone else, and i couldnt keep anything from him, imagine how it would feel if he knew something and didnt tell you? imagine how you would be if he told you this if the situation were reversed?

    he is going to be upset however he hears it, step up to the plate, tell him, and support him through it.

  6. Goodness!! Well I would just come out and tell him.There is no easy way of telling him something like that.

  7. If your husband is not overseas, there is no reason not to tell him.  Just tell him that you found him and what you found out.  Remember that if this man gets out, he may try to come to your house, so make it clear with your husband that you do not want this man around your child.  Do not allow your husband to put up your house for this man's bail, because he will likely run, knowing what he will face in prison.  Prisoners are not very nice to child molesters.  They have even been known to kill them.

    Sometimes drugs do that to people.  Was he involved in doing a lot of hard drugs?

  8. Yes. Tell him.Your husband is a mature adult. The military has prepared your husband for many things. He can handle the truth.

    If your husband finds out later that you knew and allowed him to go on searching, he would be disappointed in you.

    Would you want him to tell you if the shoe was on the other foot?

    Yeah, go ahead and tell him.

    Best of wishes!


  9. What do you mean how do you break it to him? He was a friend, not his lover. I would imagine you just tell him.  

  10. It is better to just tell your husband what you have found and let him know that you are sorry about his friend.

    It is better for you to tell him than for your husband to keep searching knowing that you have known all this time and didn't say anything.

  11. He knows more than you think.

  12. Just tell the man.  He is a man ya know, and even though it was his friend i doubt that he is going to jump off a building because a friend he hasn't seen in a while is in jail for being a pervert the most you will probably get is, "h**l no are you serious, d**n", unless you know your man is a punk or something.  I wouldn't be all heart broken over this either, i would be shocked, but not so overyly upset.  just tell the man and stop trippin.

  13. First of all let me say that his friend may or may not have done any of these charges.  I wouldn't pass any judgment until you heard his side of the story.  "Sexual assault" could most everything including being in the same bathroom with the boy and urinating at the same time.  Our law enforcement people and justice system is out of control and nothing but big business. You are right he is in one big mess and his life is destroyed as he knew it.  Welcome to the poor mans world.

    Do not judge until you know the full story.  

  14. If u guys are married and have a daughter.. i can imagine u 2 have been through many issues together and still stand side by side.. as unfortunate as that is id tell him straight.. maybe put it that u were on line and came across it.. not looked it up.. honesty is the best policy thou.. Best of luck =)

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