
How can I brew a *strong* cup of green tea?

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I'm working on replacing my habit of drinking strong coffee as an alertness aid/mood enhancer with green tea instead, as I know it's a healthier beverage. However, is there a good way to possibly have the same amount of caffeine in one cup of green tea, as one cup of coffee? Should I use multiple tea bags, or just steep one tea bag for a really long time?

The other thing I have heard is that the theanine content--which helps promote relaxation and blocks the effect of cortisol--may reduce the stimulant effect of caffeine. From one web article: "...the ability of theanine to block caffeine's stimulation is much greater than caffeine's ability to stimulate..." Is this true?

Conversely, another web source said that theanine with caffeine has synergy, and enhances the better properties of caffeine.

So, to summarize, is it possible I could reach 200mg of caffeine with 2-3 cups of strong green tea? And... does theanine make for a better overall effect, less jitters, etc?




  1. A teabag for every 250ml is good enough...mix it with a little lime,lemon or any citrus fruit juice to increase its contains polyphenols which act just like caffeine actually but caffeine is acidic by nature where else polyphenols are alkali ...

  2. Ok, experiment:

    things needed:

    100 bags of green tea.

    one small-ish cup

    one huge cup

    what to do:

    1/2 fill the large cup with hot water,

    than a teabag just so it's totally wet

    and pour all of its juice into the small cup

    by wrapping the teabag string around it.

    continue the process until all 100 are used up

    now that's strong!

  3. 4 words,

    more leaves less water

    and yes its true

  4. You should buy (if you don't have) a wide and big size mug and put 2 tea bags of Green Tea with hot/warm water.  Reuse those tea bags after you finish the first cup. Squeeze the two previously used tea bags together in the mug and juice it out of its all content and those away and add 2 new ones in the mug.  That should increase the Caf. dozage, haha. So that would be 2 large cups in the morning or whenever you choose to drink it and then you're set.

    Green Tea is really good for you--Mind, Body & Soul. It is a special kind of detox. Sure it makes you pee alot but that is completely normal, just like when you drink alot of water. The colorization in your pee being light yellow or clear indicates its doing its job, cleasing you. But if your pee is like dark yellow tho, then that means you're not drinking enough water or liquids, which your body needs in order to function, just like the concept of food.

    I definitely recommend the Japanese kind b/c it really is effective, even tho it has a very strong, bitter taste and highly an expensive imported product here in America, especially leaves. I go at least 40-60 dollars a month buying 6 boxes of the tea bag version (because it harder to prepare it yourself with the leaves). I suggest if you're ever really low on energy, you need to stay up ALL NIGHT or if you want to improve your health, drink lots of it; especially during meals. AND DON'T PUT ANY SUGAR IN IT. It will defeat its purpose and make you crave more for food or in your case, more coffee, lol. I used to hate drinking Japanese Green Tea (and believe me its not a pleasant experience at first) but now I drink like 8-10 mugs a day so that's why I spend like so much money on it, haha. I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

    If you hate the taste but if you're one of the those people that can adjust to anything in moderation, I suggest you give it a try and drink it like twice a day until you get used to it and then increase the intake.

    It really fastens your metalobism, because that bitter taste, the anti-oxidants (if you DO drink it all the time/daily) decreases your cravings so it would help you get rid of your coffee urges.

    It's a real energy booster and you never feel tired, just as long as you keep drinking it that is; because it makes you want to be active constantly, which is it best to drink it in the morning before work outs. Even it you don't work out in the mornings, drinking it makes you awake and more alert.

    Personally for me, it makes you think better. You make clearer and wiser decisions.

    It definitely helps me and it can help you too in the long run.

    Most people might hate the stuff but I deeply appreciate it.

    Hope this answers your question =)

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