
How can I bring my bosses actions to the board of directors without looking bad?

by  |  earlier

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He only works (by work i mean he comes in and reads 2 papers and a few magazines) a max of 4 1/2 hours a day yet tells the BOD he puts in 40+ hours a week. He takes close to 80 vacation days a year but only charges himself 3 weeks worth. The nepotism with his wife is also quite bad. He's a nice guy but he is very unethical. I like my job and don't want to leave, but after 4 years my patience and conscience are getting to me. Any advice will help, thank you.




  1. If you like your job why is HIS problem YOUR problem?? If he takes 80 days off, He is definetly going to be noticed by his surperiors. It is not your responsibility nor your authority to challenge your boss about something he is doing wrong personally. You work as an employee and not as a priest.

  2. Any time you take actions about your boss or co-workers, the word will get out no matter what the official company policy says.  In this case, your boss will likely and eventually find out who reported him.  Can you honestly say, you have not made a slightest comment about this to anyone at all?  Likely, you said something to your friends at work.  

    If you are going to report him, do so fully understanding the consequences.  Your rights may be protected under the law but that does not mean people at work cannot make your life very difficult - without breaking any laws.

    Acting on your conscience and doing what is right is one thing.  Protecting your lively-hood is, sometimes, quite another.

  3. follow up the chain of command

    get co-workers to back you

  4. Unless   he  is  engaged  in  criminal  activity  or  embezzling  company  funds  ,

    You  will  be  labeled   very  very  badly  and  probably  terminated  within  30  days .

    The  chain  of  command  has  no  respect  for  subordinates  that  go  over  their  bosses  head  unless  he  is  engaged  in  theft  from  the  company  ( and  you  have  solid  evidence ,  NOT  gossip ) .

    If   you  like  the  job ,   STOP  focusing  on  the  boss  and  maintain  focus  on  your  tasks .

    Else ,  start  job  shopping  because  on  the   work  place   food  chain ,

    Workers  are   totally  expendable  in  managements  eyes .

    { Reality  based  on  decades  of  observation  and  experience . }


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