Let me start by saying it almost scares me to ask this because of the hateful responses that I see given to other people.My husband came to this country illegally about 14 years ago. I had two sons prior to meeting my husband we have had an additional 2 children during our 8 years together Here's an abbreviated story. My 11 yo boy has had problems (trouble at school, lying, etc.) pushed limits and fought with my husband. My son was disciplined and spanked with a belt (not beaten). My son has used the threat of "go ahead and hit me I will call the police" I am a mandatory reporter through my job and thought that I would loose all my children over this spanking with a belt. So I reported the incident. My husband was arrested and charged, then INS dropped him off in Mexico.Can I get him home legally with pending charges? What do I do?We need him home. It has been five months now, and I don't feel as though I have gotten anywhere. I am now a single mom of four and struggling any advise?