
How can I bring someone from another country to the usa to stay for a month?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering what I would have to do to get my 9 year old stepson over to the usa from panama for a month, what paperwork, etc. or rules to i have to follow.. please let me know any information and or internet websites to help me out.. thank you so much...




  1. he must apply to our gov't for a visa, it isn't too hard. i doubt you can do this for him. his parents must. he also needs a passport to boot

  2. are you a citizen of the u.s or just a permanent resident? .. Visa (most likely) but that takes a couple of months if your lucky

    take a look at that website i posted it'll help you 100%

  3. You can't.  The child will not be allowed to travel alone.  He'd have to travel with an adult and with the permission of his mother in Panama.  He and the adult would both need visas.

  4. Passport and visa

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