
How can I brush up my general history knowledge?

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I feel like I don't know enough about American and World history. What's an easy (though time-consuming, I'm sure), interesting, and compact but complete way for a busy person to learn basically a complete world history?




  1. oh yes! it's called "Don't Know Much About History" (Kenneth Davis) it's absolutely amazing. I own it, I've read it several times, It makes me love history even more. seriously. read that book, i am not even kidding. you could teach a class with it.  

  2. Reading biographies of important people from the era I was interested in helped me the best.

  3. the way I have learnt most of my knowledge of History is through documentaries on youtube.  However, it may not be the same for you; i'm a visual learner, so it works best for me. i can't concentrate long enough for a book or anything like that.

    i recommend researching majour history events then look on youtube for documentaries about them.  (and don't worry, there are some good/interesting ones that are posted, I'm 16, so as you would expect, i would never sit through a boring documentary on my own will)

  4. I like timeline books for quick reviews.  You can read these in bits when you have a few minutes.  My favorite is "History's Timeline" from Crescent Books: New York edited by Fay Franklin 1981 by Grisewood and Dempsey Ltd.

    Here's a link to get a used copy very inexpensively (one cent plus shipping) from

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