
How can I build a school in Africa?

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I have been interested in building schools in Third World Countries for a long time. I would like to know if anyone is familiar with what zoning laws and building regulations in Africa? Who would I need to get permission by in order to build? And if I can get it built how would I go about hiring teachers and getting them paid, etc., As well as hiring a willing competent construction company? The reason I am asking this is because I don't have the time start my own NGO, find a team etc., According to ehow the only way to get a school built is by creating my own NGO and I'm not interested in doing it that way. Are there any other suggestions on how to go about this?




  1. You are asking way more than can be answered on YahooAnswers.

    If you are really serious about this, fly to the community where you want to build this school and meet with local representatives of UNICEF, UNDP, CARE, Save the Children and other international agencies. You may be able to coordinate your efforts with them. Expect to invest a lot of your own money, as well as a great deal of time and energy. This will be your full time job for a very long time.

    Quite frankly, if you "don't have time" to create an NGO, then you don't have time to do all that necessary to build a *sustainable* school in Africa -- or anywhere else.

  2. I don't know, go ask Oprah...she did it.

  3. Which part of Africa? I know someone who has had that goal in Sierra Leon (West Africa) for the past few years. He has land, but building halted while fighting was going on (in some countries, there is no fighting free zone)

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