
How can I build my real estate clientele?

by  |  earlier

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I am a new agent and I am looking for some ways to build my prospect list. The people that I know really have no money to buy a home. How do I build my prospects from scratch.




  1. 1. Have some business cards made up and leave them in stores, at colleges, etc.

    2. You can call your title company and get a list of properties and mail the owners to find out if they want to sell. This works well with land.

    3. Word of mouth is an excellent way to get business. Have your friends or family mention you and that if they are ever interested in buying or selling, they can call you.

    4. You can introduce yourself around the neighborhood. Take some of those business cards and hand them out.  You might run into someone who is interested in what you have to offer right at that time. Knocking on doors sounds scary and unappealing, but actually, most people are very friendly. I have done this and really enjoyed chatting with others. In my opinion, it is the best way to meet prospective clients because it gives them a chance to get to know you before they work with you.  

    5. If you see someone packing their stuff into a moving truck, go up and introduce yourself and give them your card. They may be moving without having sold their previous house first.

    6. When I first started, I would go around looking at houses so I could get a feel for the market and neighborhoods. People would drive right up and ask me to let them see the houses too.

    7. I was showing houses to one client(from door knocking) and he asked to see a house across the street that he liked. I offered to go over and ask the owner if he'd be interested in letting my buyer have a look. I ended up taking a listing on that man's house.

    It tends to be that the more work you do, the more work gravitates to you.  

    I wish you the best of luck.

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