
How can I burn a Defensive back?

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Hello I am 16 and playing WR and I want to know how can I burn a DB? I am one of the fastest players on my team but whenever some one is matched up against me they back up 10 yards which makes it pretty hard to get there then get in front of them before the QB has all ready thrown. Any advice?




  1. quick turns


  2. Run a slant and make sure you know which area the db is before you turn and either motion for the ball or your qb is a good defensive reader and sets you up. Remember to tell your qb about any running changes. If players play you loose get short gains and make them come in a bit and then beat them deep on a play to confuse the defense.

  3. Dude..maybe if you paid attention.. I mean.. you posted in the basketball section..

    But to answer.. you cant burn someone with that type of space.. your DC or head coach will just have to call afew hitches or stop n gos so they press up closer and try to jam you off the line.  

  4. soak him in kerosine then light him up

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