
How can I buy a single share of stock?

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy a share of apple stock (AAPL) but I can't afford more than one share. Is there any way to do this online?




  1. I second what was already said, good idea and good choice of stock, but you really need more than one share to make it worth your while, try 1000 bucks.

  2. don't waste your money. start out with at least $1000.  Preferrably $50,000

  3. open up a stocktrade account.  It will cost you $7.  this stock has such large swings you wont get hurt as bad as what you are hearing for the $7.  if you are looking for an entry,  go to, type in AAPL. then overlay bolinger bands, and 50 day moving average.  Look for a buy when the stock is just touching the 50 day and set your sell at a 2-3% stop.  Then you could own the stock but not risk too much money.

  4. Yes, but that is a terrible idea.

    You will have to pay a fee (probably $10) which will eat up your profits.  

    Buy mutual funds, not individual stocks.

  5. I doubt that any one would bother to open an account, on line, for one share of stock. You could consult with a broker you know in the business or your family knows in the business and as a favor, would expend the effort to fulfill the request to purchase one share of stock. May I suggest you save every penny you can and when you have amassed a fair amount, start purchasing stock on a regular basis. This is how wealth grows and how you avoid packing groceries at the Supermarket after retirement when you funds are inadequate to sustain your reduced standard of living.

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