
How can I buy part of the rainforest? place doesn't matter.?

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how would I go about doing that? where would I buy it, and who can I call or e-mail for information about doing this? and does anyone have a ballpark estimate on how much it costs per acre?




  1. There is plenty of rainforest in US and Canada you can buy if you like.   It might not be tropical, but it is rainforest and important.

  2. Check it over with the wildlife residents i.e the monkeys and snakes etc, im sure they wont mind!

    Only kiddin but really sorry i can't help you. The one thing i can tell you though is you must have to be absolutely LOADED to be able to own part of a rainforest!!!

  3. I did that EXACT thing 20 years ago with the WORLD WILDLIFE FUND

    These days it's more hip to call your government officials to heed your call and donate and create funds for change.

    Here's a UK initiative that offers a way to sponsor an acre of rain forest, This means you are adding your $100 to a pool which all together makes the land trust possible.

    Here's one I like from David Attenborough

    Here's an adopt an acre of rainforest from The Canadian Humane Society

    Tropical Rain Forest Coalition Save-an-Acre

    If I'm mistaken and you want to be able to go there and build on it have a look at Belize and Nicaragua as well as the now over priced Costa Rica. The whole area is mostly Rain Forest and many areas offer land to build on. Mountain building is different slippery slopes are made as one changes the soil and trees keeping the shallow soil in place.  You'd have to think about anchors and the Earthquakes and Tropical storms etc before building anything. Prices are in the $150k to $190k per acre.

    21st Century Realtors

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