
How can I buy past Melbourne Cup footage??

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I really want to buy Ethereal's victory in 2001, and not just the race itself, but the 5 hours before the race as well. I am studying the mystique and the intrigue of the Melbourne Cup, so any help would be appreciated.




  1. try, they have all the internet rights for VIC racing and you can get photos and video replays of every race every day. I don't know how long they have been operating for though so not sure how old their Melbourne cup replays would be.

    Before them  i would imagine that sky channel had the broadcast rights so they could probably supply a replay.

    Because your horse is a kiwi and its trainer was as well there might be stuff available on a NZ racing site but I don't know of any.

    Good luck

    ps just as an aside, part of the mystique of the cup is how everyone in Aust gets involved in it. People wear hats to work and everyone stops to watch it. I think if they made MElbourne Cup day a public holiday it would destroy the whole feel of the day because only those interested in horse racing would watch it. Let's face it if you didn't follow the horses and had the day off wouldn't you go to the beach instead or hang out with friends like any other weekend. I would be interested to hear how it has affected the average aussie in MElbourne since they made it a public holiday there. (How many non-race followers watched the Slipper or the DOncaster recently? none right? cause what's the point.)

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