
How can I calm down my curly hair?

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Just so you know I'M ON A BUDGET!!! please nothing over $10!




  1. 1. wash your hair with a shampoo and conditioner that controls frizzy hair and maybe you could even buy a wavy hair shampoo (i use sunsilk waves of envy)

    2.Apply moose and gel on your hair not to much gel though just more moose. and a little hair spray.

    3.If your gonna let it air dry apply like 6 hands full of moose of 5 or 4 watever u like. and 1 blob of gel and spray your hair alittle bit if dont want it crunchy if you d want it crunchy apply alot of hair spray.

    4. If you live somewere cold and cant go outside with wet hair put FIRST 3 hands full od mosse and 1 blob of gel. Blow dry your hair on NOT high but not 2 cold u know wat i mean? the stop the dryer 2 times and apply more spry and moose stop again and the same then dry till its dry lol...dont worry if its tangled it will come off with conditioner in the shower.

    5.Now you can do watever style you like( i get my styles by seeing wat styles are on tv or in magazines or other ppls that i like adter you have dont the hair u want apply a tiny bit of spray and your good to go.

    If this does not work out but you want more advice from me do not be afraid to email me at

    FYI: I get my stuff when its on sale so look for sales at like pharmacys or drug stores or were ever they sell hair stuff. also walmart is really good. Hope i helped!

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