
How can I calm my fears of SIDS?

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I just had my 3rd baby 3 weeks ago, and it seems like I am way more freaked out about SIDS with this one than I was with my first 2. I'm so freaked out about it, that I set my alarm every hour, just so I can check on her. Any suggestions on how I can calm my fears about SIDS?




  1. I agree with Megan B, I have a sound and movement monitor.  It is called an Angelcare Monitor from Bebe Sounds,  Mine was only about $90.  The best $90 I ever spent.

  2. See a professional.

  3. candie stole the words right of my finger tips. lol

    Just do all that is recommended and try to sleep. There is nothing you can do to stop it if it's going to happen but you can do some thins to help reduce the risk.

    1. Have her sleep on her back only.

    2. Don't have her too warm. I suggest one of those sleeping bags.

    3. Keep all toys and blankets out of her bed. And a firm baby mattress and tight sheets.

    And just try to relax, know that when she starts to turn on her tummy by herself, then the risk has great reduced and there is no need to constantly turn her back. it will be futile and interrupt her sleep along with yours. And by age one the risk has pretty much dispersed.  

  4. My baby spent 5 days in intensive care. When we were able to take him home, I became paranoid that he would stop breathing and I wouldn't sleep. I'd just sit and watch him.

    My clever husband went out and bought me a movement sensitive alarm. The brand is 'Hi-sense'. It consists of a movement sensitive panel that goes under the mattress and a control panel. If there is no movement for 20 seconds the alarm goes off.

    The only times it goes off is when we pick him up and forget to turn it off. It was about $300 Aus. It was also endorsed by some baby groups.

    Obviously, you should follow all the safe sleeping guidelines too.

    This gizmo saved my sleep.

  5. I don't think that fear goes away. I still wake in the night to check on my son who is two. I think it is just something built into us mothers. I would just make sure she is close by in a bassinet or a crib and make sure there is nothing in the crib that can cause any harm. Also, I would make sure you don't let her sleep with you as she can harm herself in your clothing also. I know it is hard but just try and remember that most sids cases were not really just an accident some of those babies had other things wrong with them. Good luck and just remember things will be okay as long as you take the time to make sure the bed she sleeps in is safe.

  6. give her a pacifier...  good luck! try not too think about it, I know it's hard but otherwise you will just be a very tired mama!  :)

  7. I know its not an easy thing to not stress about, i was exactlly the same as you, you really just have to try and relax and take everyday as it comes, just do all the right things to avoid sids and you should be fine...

  8. You probably wont be able to...i just had my 3rd baby 3 weeks ago as well and i seem more fearful with this one I'm right with you. i think we will always have that fear, and its the mother instinct in us.just try to enjoy your new baby as well as your other little ones.

  9. personally... i didnt

    i just trusted myself that i was doing the best i knew how and if there was something i was unsure of i did alot of research.

    i wouldnt suggest waking every hour to check on her, maybe put her in a basinett in your room instead?

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