
How can I calm my friends down! ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17, and my cousin who's 12 years older than me, ended up marrying a guy in his early 30s. Her husband is a great guy, fun to be around, and he REALLY enjoys teasing me, like all the time, and we're always found arguing in this good-natured way. We also chat online at times. This seemed to worry my friends a little, since I'm a teenager, and he's in his 30s. But please, I know better than to trust random strange guys...this guy is a relative! And I've known him for quite a while now, and he's NEVER done anything creepy! How can I explain that to my friends who seem to be paranoid about this whole thing?




  1. you can try reverse psychology on them or something like it. when they start to bug you about how he may try to get in to your pants or how ever they say it. you could play it two ways.

    1.) try saying something like, don't worry if he tries anything I'll say no, or I'll tell my sister.

    2.) what is a matter I think he is hot and what is wrong with keeping it in the family, it is not like he is my brother or anything.

    but you have to remember you need to check for there reactions, body language and such to gage your next comment on the subject.

    oh heck you could even pull the ole, you're all just jealous that he is so good looking and all he does is talk to me and not you, or all of you.

    put it back on to them and let them carry that load. that some times works too, it all depends on there personality traits.

    Good luck and have some fun with it, maybe if they see that you don't really care about what they think then they will lay off after awhile.

    but do just be careful that he is not trying to get some of that "sweet young stuff", being you. not that you're all that young any more.

    17 is almost am old lady, J/K I am sure you are very mature your age.


  2. I think your friends are worried, not that he will do something to you, but that this relationship may grow into something else.   I think that since he isn't mature enough to put limits on this relationship, you need to be the one to set the boundaries.  He may indeed be a nice guy but he is showing poor judgment.  Is his wife aware of you and him chatting on-line?  Is she aware of the teasing, etc?  I'm tempted to say no. I think you need to listen to your friends and keep your distance.  You don't want anything to be misconstrued by anyone in your family.  It will only bring heartache to all involved.

  3. Careful... teasing is flirting. SO if it starts getting more sexual just like questions about what YOU've done or sexual innuendos END CONTACT WITH HIM IMMEDIATELY!

  4. Um ok. Work it out.

  5. Your friends, your friends, your friends, always about your friends. Everyone of us need a bit of our own space.

    If anything goes wrong, the police will come to see you, not them. Yes, just like what you said...this guy is your relative.

    Are you going to make a sticker and put on his head.

    ``He is my relative!``

    Ah yeah, the best thing is to put your relative into their pocket, then there will be no more gossips.

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