
How can I care about a class I'm gonna drop at the end of this year anyway?

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Im dropping eco and I just dont care about it anymore.

How can I maintain my interest in it?

We are doing a REALLLY boring topic now too, reading the text book is as boring as reading terms and conditions.

I cant fail this course... How do I stay interested?




  1. I saw other students who felt this way about a subject they had lost interest in and were going to drop it. I guess throughout your life there will be many times when something you are doing is boring and you see no reason to put your heart into it. This will be a test of your self motivation and your ability to turn it around as a challenge. To make the task your focus you need to set yourself a goal, that at the end you did your best.

    Hey I when doing my nursing degree worked in cleaning offices and working in nursing homes where I spent every day cleaning pans and making beds. I new I was not going to be working much longer in this when I graduated, but put my best into it and made it a challenge. Compared to bed pans and cleaning I think you have it in you to finish with a high. Good luck.

    For some motivation look up Randy Pausch and his "last Lecture" this may inspire you.

  2. try make it more interesting by "playing a game" with yourself

    try challening yourself, make a quiz like game or something

    or you could get a "study buddy" to help you find more interest in the topic

    hope it helps :)

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