
How can I catch someone in a lie (long distance)?

by  |  earlier

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I started talking to and dating someone exclusively a few months ago (early May) yet we still have not met. This person is going through several health issues and neither of us have made the trip (Houston/Dallas) as of yet. The issue lies here: recently, I stumbled across their myspace and suspicious comments. My profile has always been set to private and now theirs is too. I have also revealed some personal romantic details about my past relationships to this person and because of my past mistakes, they have taken some things personally. I stumbled across a girl who goes on their profile from time to time and there are romantic comments on their profile about how much they miss them, and if I didn't know any better I would think the 2 are dating. Why oh why is this person still talking to me and when I approached them about this, they told me it was just a friend (many lesbians talk to each other in flirty ways I guess) but I don't know what to believe. We've been communicating through phone and text as well as email but we have yet to add each other on myspace. They got a bit offended when I mentioned that other girl and blamed my trust issues on them but wants to "work on things with us to get it back to the way it was" How do I know first of all if these 2 are dating, and how to find out? Second of all, how do I catch them in something if they are in fact lying and found someone else, when? and why are they still talking to me when I'm not even in their city? Lastly, should I tell them I accidentally kissed someone a few months back? OOPS! Shhh

A little bit of a long story but please help!! Thanks!!

Yea...I'm a girl too.

Y would she still be talking to me if she has someone is my question. Unless she's just doing all this to p**s me off or punish me for the way I treated her at first when we first got together and started dating.




  1. First, you guys never met. You guys only talk in the internet, and talk. Didn't even met face to face. at least 80% of the people in the internet and lying in my oplion.

    She still want to talk with you, just because always good to have someone else care about you or dating on the side.

    I think she is totally lying to you, and the solution i think is, just don't talk to her anymore, and find a person in the real life.

    Like from your friends, or meet different people in different place, not in the internet.....

    This is only my thought, hope this can help you..

  2. text her form another phone and pretend you met her before in another place and flirt with her and stuff. if she responds....shes busted.

    but talk to her instead. talk about whats going on in your head and stuff.

  3. 1)  You are NOT dating are playing on the Internet, no more, no not confuse Internet play with anything real, it ain't gonna happen!

    2) You both are free to carry on however you want on line...there is nothing going on between you except in your imagination...get used to the idea, and get over the idea that you own haven't even met this gal...and you have no idea what she is really like, what she even looks like

    3) NEVER trust anything on line...people lie! In fact, people lie a lot! Find someone real, someone you can touch, talk to face to face, someone you can get to actually is NOT going to happen On-line.

    4) Has it occurred to you that you may not be communicating with a girl at all? The other end of the conversations could well be a have NOTHING what so ever to even think anything is real. If you don't face reality, you could get yourself in a world of trouble. I hope you are of age, for this could well be a child molester you are playing with!


  4. Why do we all, straight and g*y, go through our younger years, wondering, hoping, stressing, questioning when it comes to a relationship that our gut tells us, walk away.

    We have all gone through it and that is why I decided to answer your question.  When I look back on my life I see some of exactly what you are experiencing now.  I can now shake my head and say to myself "why on earth didn't I listen to my intuition, instead of chasing after something that was not there".  Any relationship that has to be worried over, questioned,doubted should be pushed out of the door, with the door fastened tight.

    Love and relationships should be of mutual benefit to two people, who are honest with each other.  Can you see yourself living in this frame of mind for many years?   Worrying what the other person means?  Doubting whether they are telling the truth or not?

    THAT is NOT what love is all about.   The "first got together" sentence should give you a hint of what this relationship is all about.   It went downhill from that point.   I respectfully suggest that you get on with your life and do not LOOK for somebody, you make find someone, but they will usually be wrong for you.  Just let things come, go on with your every day life and one day you will walk around a corner and bump into the "love of your life".    Seek and you will NOT find,  

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