
How can I chang his behavor? Son acting up in school.

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My son has always been rambunctious. Now he is a problem child at school. His school is not aloud to put a child in time out or do any despoiling what so ever. They are just only aloud to do positive redirection. Hes not doing the activities at school, hitting teachers and his class mates, pulling hair, ripping things off the wall. I'm going to discipline him today when he gets home and talk to him about it. I'm also going to rewoard him when hes good. Next week I'm going to volantier and shadow him at school. To see what he is doing. Also to give the teachers any advice on how to handle him better. I was just woundering if there is anything else that I could do that I'm not thinking of.




  1. That sounds like an excellent plan.  If the teacher will allow you to, pull him out of class when he is acting up and discipline him the way you normally do.  That way he will know that he is NOT allowed to do those things under any circumstances.

  2. Do not reward good behavior. First, it promotes bad behavior! If he doesn't act badly, than when he acts good, there would be no reward. One of the biggest problems parents face. They don't see how simple the formula is. The more rewards for good behavior means he'll act just as badly to get bigger rewards the next tiem he decides to be good for a minute.

    Going to his school and disciplining him there is a great start. I wouldn't shadow him. I'd announce that bad children have to have their mothers come and watch them at school too. This will embarass him and help him to straighten up.

    Hurting others should not be allowed anywhere. Oh, allowed means to allow or not to allow someone to do something. Aloud means you can hear it and it was said out loud. Volunteer. But i am betting you are too upset and that's what happened with the spellings.

    The child hits or does any kind of physical damage, a simply you are not allowed to act in this manner. Then over to time out. Then after said time. You may have to fight him to keep him there. Fight as logn as you need until he sits nicely in his time out for the time stated. Then make him apologize and acknowledge what he has done wrong.

    It is not the teachers job to parent the child in acting civil and mannerly. That starts at home. I'd give permission to the teachers to call me the moment the child acts up and explain you'll be there to handle it in a few moments. Then do so. No empty threats. If you act up, we'll call your parent. then do so. No threat. Just action. He'll soon learn he doesnt' get away with any of it and soon want you to stop showing up. Other kids will tease him and that will help him to not want you to show up, helping him to act in the right way.

    good luck.  


  4. Ok I think the rewarding idea for your son is awesome i think you should let your teacher kno also about maybe makin a "REWARD CHART" and what you can do is write the whole classes name on the side and have gold stars and lets say that your son did something good at school so he would get a GOLDEN STAR and atthe end of everyweek ENCOURAGE HIM IN ENCOURAGING WORDS and say "great job" or something so that he knows what he did was the right thing to do and then if he hasnt been makin progress then try to talk to hm about his day at school or what he did or something so that he can KNOW that disobaying is not ok! Or make a behaivor chart and have happy faces and sad and if he does something bad then he will get to put a sad face on the chart and if he does something good then he will get a happy face and if he gets ATLEAST 3 happy faces per week reward him with a lollypop or something! Or i was watching a show one day and If he knows what HARD toutches are (like hitting) then play a game called "soft touch" and wat you do is get a bag and find soft things to put in them like a feather and a blanket and other soft things so he can know how to be soft and then have him turn around and close his eyes and tock his neck with a soft item so then you say ok can you guess the item and he looks in the bag at the different items and tells you his guess of what he thought toched his neck!! And constently look for positive things to say! if you have ANY questions email me at THANKS

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