
How can I change my Rate in the Navy to do another Rate?

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How can I change my Rate in the Navy to do another Rate?




  1. To cross rate, you have to do the courses. Put in a request to lateral cross rate and make sure there's a billet available.

  2. First, it would depend upon if you are in a critical rate or not. If you are, the chances are pretty slim.

    You would have to take the required training courses for the rate you want to change to, complete the practical factors, (if they are still called that), submit the request up through the chain of command, your current supervisors and your future supervisors for approval.

    Another factor consider is how open/closed is the rate you want to change to. If it is a closed rate, i.e., up to the required strength level, you may not be able to change. That might be the first thing to check out.

  3. Your first step is to go talk to your Command Career Counselor, not us yahoos.  Always ask the professionals.

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