
How can I change my personal style without being called a poser?

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I don't mean change my style a little l mean like a big change. I'm kind of sick and bored of the way I dress. I have a couple of friends who dress emo or punk and a new girl (my new best friend) just moved in across the street and she dresses emo/punk too. I've all ways kinda been secretly interested in emo/punk and kinda want to change to that style. I've all ways dressed "average" or "normal" i guess you could say. So changing to a totally different style would be really different for me. But I'm so sick of "normal". But I'm scared that everyone will call me a poser and it doesn't help that my new best friend and neighbor is emo/punk too everyone will think i'm copying her 'cause I think shes cool or something. But hanging out with her only gets me more intrested in the style.

What should I do?




  1. if you stop labeling style it'd be less poser-ish.

    take it in steps.  

  2. Do what you want as long as it's what YOU want. Who cares what other people say? As long as you're comfortable, other people's opinions shouldn't matter. And if it helps, "Be who you want and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." -Dr. Seuss

  3. I change my style of clothes every year.

    Just don't care about what people think.

  4. Dress how you want and not how you think people want you to and you won't be a poser.

  5. you sound like your a teen (maybe?)  and every teenager is still finding themselves, so just try it and if you like it, stick with it.

  6. Just do it. It's YOUR buuisness. & if people wanna know they shouldn't talk about you they should just ask you, yourself.

  7. Dress yourself according to your personality, and express who you are.  Otherwise, it's just pretty much being a poser, I guess.  :/

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