
How can I change my sleep schedule?

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Okay, so every summer I change my sleep schedule to where I go to sleep around 4 or 5 AM and wake up sometime during the evening or night..depending on how late I went to bed.

But, school starts TOMORROW and I've been trying to find ways to get my sleep schedule back to normal but NOTHING is working.

I've been doing this for three years and it worked before, so can someone please tell me a way that I could get it back to normal?

NOT anything including sleeping pills or any type of medicine.




  1. Well, you will probably be sleepy first days of school, but I would recommend you go to the doctor, maybe he/she will recommend Rozerem, it adjusts your inner clock.

  2. what you can do prior to 3 hours before, have a regular exercise (morning-mid afternoon), drink a warm glass of milk 30min-1 hr before..meditate and relax..dont think too pray...Godbless

  3. Gradually adjusting your sleep schedule is the best way to go- by about 15-20 minutes per night.  If you are into natural remedies, you can take Melatonin, which is literally sleep hormone that is normally produced by your body, in a pill form.  It's not a drug or medication, just more of what your body already produces.  You can take this at a dosage recommended by the company or a pharmacist or doctor and it should make you tired rather quickly.  You may also want to consider the fact that you could have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.  

  4. If you listen to music,watch tv..etc while you are awake at night.Turn it off.

    Try to lay down and shut your eyes.

    Sorry but if school starts TOMORROW then i dont think you can..

    i used to stay up until,around 1am and wake up around 11.

    But i got a new kitten who woke me up at 6am.

    So my body,because i was waking up so early,made me go to sleep early.In the weekdays when i have school i will go to sleep from 7:30-9:00.

    So maybe you could get an alarm clock?

    Sorry im not sure on what to do when u have such little time

  5. Well if it starts tomorrow you're pretty much screwed. I always just stay up the entire day and go to sleep at 8pm the day before I need to be back on schedule. The only way you're going to get back on schedule is probably pills. If you don't want to do that then I guess you'll be tired as h**l at school.

  6. As you say you will soon go back to school. Remember no sleeping during the day and no late night movies, computer games, computer chat....

    Put your mind on something interesting during the day, some ball games. Certainly, you`ve some good food and drinks with your friends all good. No cigarettes and tea or coffee. Some people can not sleep well once they take those things.

    Well, you know yourself well.

  7. melatonin at night, coffee in the morning

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