
How can I change my style of clothing?

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As of now, I am an eighth grade girl who's closet consists entirely of hollister and abercrombie. I find myself now sick of these clothes and I don't want to wear these companies anymore, especially when I enter high school. I'm going to have to wear the said companies for the rest of the year, though, and have only three or four shirts of a different company and one vest. I'm going for a more urban outfitters kind of style, with lots of belts and scarves. How do I make the transition slowly, as my mom is not willing to spend a lot of money this year so we can save up to buy clothes specifically for high school? And do you have any fashion tips for someone going toward the style I'm looking for?




  1. Look at different kind of magazines. Listen to different kinds of music. And just search up some new styles on Google.

    My favorite site which i get ideas from all the time is this:

    Good Luck

  2. hey, first of all good for you for changing :)

    cheapest way to change is go for basics without the labels like black, white, gray shirts.  Then buy a scarf or two.  Even try at salvation army for some urban/vintage accessories.  You can keep the jeans from the prep stores since they don't really show the label and buy a pair of urban outfitter shoes.  It really doesn't have to consist of buying that many things as long as you change your attitude to be more "urban"  Maybe buy a tote that fits your new style as well.    

  3. wet seal is really cheap and it has that urban outfitters look

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