
How can I change the way I react to things that push my buttons?

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This question is inspired by an answer I got to my previous question, re: how to not get so angry. One of the answers was to change the way I react to the thing that is getting me angry. How can I do this?

I'm in a situation where I'm very angry at someone and react very angrily to everything associated with him and the incidence.;_ylt=AtxhotN4Zc69pHqaaA3yQb0azKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080815105013AAWvP8m




  1. OK hon if your angry at every aspect of this person take the anger you feel and turn it towards PITY. Yes that is right PITY for this person because this person is totally unable to feel any deep heart felt love and if this person can not feel love he can not give it either there for he deserves our pity and prayers for God to convict his heart and change him into a good person. I had an ex-husband that beat me for years... stuck my head in the toilet stool and tied me up and and asked me every hour is I was ready to die yet and would stick a loaded gun to my head and click it. You know for years I hated that man with a passion, but now and here today? All I can feel is pity, for he knows not what love is and has no clue what life is suppose to be about. And also because I had to endure such things for 9 years I do not hate the man now because if I did, I would not have learned a thing from any of it and it would have all happened in vane. So I take the bad things that happened to me in my life and try to use it in a good way and that is to benefit other people. I hope you can see what I am trying to tell you... yes he put you threw living h**l but he is in living h**l everyday! Gentle Hugs My friend! and may God bless

  2. But what did they do to you?  WHY are you so angry??

    If he stabbed you literally in the back, OK, you have the right to be angry.

    If he took a pencil and didn't give it back, that's NOT a reason to get so angry.

    I think you need to think reasonably about these situations.  If so and so happened, what's really the big deal??  Is it reasonable to get so angry???


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