
How can I change this situation?

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My little sister is 7 years younger than me. we have two brothers in between us. my parents favor her and that hurts a lot.examples:

1. at an EXTREMLEY special and important event for me, she threw a fit and didn't get punished later at all. she's old enouph to be able to control herself. as far as I know, she doesn't have any mental conditions. no sypmtoms, either.

2. in my family, we're never alowed to use fowl launguage. my sister frequently does so, and NEVER gets punished. ONCE I said "dam it" (I know this is not the proper spelling. sorry) and I got my cell phone confiscated (punishment) for 2 weeks.

I've tryed talking to my parents about it, but they deny this. please help me!




  1. Parents are funny like that, you know, you may not believe this, but I can assure you, your parents love each of your brothers and sisters, and yourself equally, and your parent did go to that very special event of yours think of some of the other people whos parents didn't even bother going, I know, I know blah blah blah it isn't fair, and I understand, but try to tell your parents how you feel instead of telling what they did "wrong", and maybe by letting them know how you feel maybe you can try and talk to your sister as well and let her know that it is bothering you that she is acting this way...also I think she is just trying to get "big sisters" attention, she just wants that attention off of you and on her! :o)  

  2. and they always will, the baby of the family has since time immamorial, gotten away with murder.

       Maybe in our next lives, we'll get to claim that spot, but in this life, we're stuck with it, "you, me and a trillion others" !!!

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