
How can I channel a spirit to type through me?

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How can I channel a spirit to type through me?




  1. In the non fiction book 'You Are Not Alone' by Ruth Montgomery messages of several spirits who typed nearly 80% of the book are detailed.It was published in sixties.You will get detailed guidance therein.

  2. Hello

    This site has audio meditations that help to do that

    Like all psychic development being able to channel needs patience & dedication, but it is very satifying to be able to do as you can get some wonderful insights direct from your guides.


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    All Like Minded Folk Welcome

  3. Relax, meditate, pray, ask for protection, ask for permission to channel xxxx with writing as the communication instrument (choose a loved one of yours already deceased), invite him/her, and relax again focusing in letting your hand relaxed and ready to flow. What I do is that I "lend" my hand for the purpose of facilitating communication to that other one I have invoqued. I may be talking to you, reading a book, watching TV, while doing automatic writing. I am in control of myself, that is why I "lend" my hand. I don't lend my body, or my mind, just my hand, and let the energy flow but restrained to that specific area or body part. I have learnt this through the years after a few nasty experiences by being open to do automatic writing with whoever on the other side would like to communicate. Therefore, lend your hand to a loved one and always asking for protection first. If you feel uneasy, uncomfortable or whatever of negative emotion/feeling/sensation, then tell that spirit to leave towards the light, wish him/her well, make it clear that he/she is not whom you invoked and finish the seansce by "disconnecting" or ending the communication. But don't be open to whoever.

  4. IDK..but I think one did it through me. Maybe you have to be "possessed " or something least I think I was. I didn't see the danger in it. I don't recommend it to anyone. In fact..if you think it's happening...stop doing it. It's fun and exciting and fascinating..and it can destroy your life. Use ONLY the gifts you are born with and develop on your own. I might be wrong..I  just know it destroyed MY life.

    Sweetie...Demons don't smile!! lol..That dog is smiling!! I'll bet somebody is behind there holding the dog up. They just wanted to be in the news. He probably did it for a joke ..not knowing people would think it was a demon. Use your DISCERNMENT and COMMON SENSE. lol If you're going to be can't believe something just because you see it. Sometimes there's more to the story than we see (like the "barking shark" I fell for ...till my common sense clicked in!!)

    Thanks for the photo!!!

    EDIT..I think what you're talking about is the same as automatic writing. I think you have to have a spirit inside least inside your do that. Would you want that?Think about it ...a spirit..or maybe worse..inside you ?..guiding your hand? It's one thing to have a spirit etc. whisper in your ear..but another to have one inside you controlling your body. Very dangerous. When you give it permission to do can use you in ways you wouldn't want it to.

  5. you ask it to dude

  6. ~~~~~~~welcome back Pawel~~~~~~~~~

    pawel sometimes things will start happening naturally, when you start to experience a spiritual awakening.....or spiritual growth, i find everything has its place, as in discovering your higher self, and the spiritual realm..~~~~~~

  7. I actually do that pretty often.  I can type faster than I can talk, and there's no annoying transcription to do.  For me it wasn't a learned thing, it just kind of happened one day.  I looked away and my hands kept typing, and I look back and there is this lengthy message that was not only not typed in my speech pattern, but in Italian.  Go figure.  So you can learn to do it, but it takes a lot of practice if it doesn't come naturally.  

    Im or email me anytime, I'd be happy to help anyway I can.

    Blessed be

  8. A lot of good advice in here, but I have to reiterate--I don't suggest you just open yourself up this. Research it and the first time you do it, do it with someone. I channel but I never lend my body. I'm not comfortable with it. So they go through my empathy/telepathy instead. More of a cooperation then me lending them my body. But just opening yourself up and saying, "okay, here I am" will get you getting nasties coming to you. They'll be the first in line. Protection is the key and trusting who you're talking to. In my case, I trust my guides implicitly to keep me safe. If you can't say for sure whether or not you can trust them then you shouldn't do it, cause it can be extremely dangerous.

    Love and light

  9. Yuk! The idea of that just creeps me out.  I guess I'm too much of a control freak to let someone drive the bus!

  10. Just convince yourself subconsciously and fake it.  That's what everyone else does.

  11. why do you wanna do that.. it can be dangerous if you end up with an evi spirit.. many ppl donno this.. but spirits can harm..

  12. have you channeled before? If not I would not mess with this if you do not know what your doing .You may not like the spirit you channel !!! I tell this to people all the time Don't play  games with this sort of thing it can be dangerousplease take the time to learn about this first ok

  13. You meditate and call the spirit and invite it in but you should not even attempt to do this if you have even one iota of common sense left in ya.  Its not only dangerous to have a spirit possess you, its downright stupid to do so.  

    Take a look what was stalking this guy even to a wedding reception.  Talk about scared straight...LOL

    Yes that's right, its a demon dog.





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