
How can I check how much Traffic I have?

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How can I check how much traffic I have on my blog?

I want to see how many hits I got yesterday ad today. Is there any way I could do this> I tried alexa but it doesn't show my traffic.




  1. Place a freebie counter on your opening webpage from  It should provide all the analytics you'll ever need to break down the source of visitors.

    Good luck!

  2. Hello,

    You can track your visitors and conversations with "Google Analytics". It's is a best tool to converting the traffic through search engines.

    Go through this link :

    just go thorough the link , sign up, create an account then it's provide a html code paste it in your site then you can track the visitors with the google analytics..

    good luck...



  3. The best, most used is Google analytics. But here it concentrates more on traffic form Google rather than concentrating much on Yahoo, Live and others. Now Live has come up with it's own analytics (Gatineau). The other one is hittail an another tools for finding from where (website) they have come to your site. But i use these three for my website for finding traffic.

    Yahoo is yet to come up with it's own analytics, let's see that too....

  4. Google Analytics would be the best way to analyze your website traffic. You need to have a gmail account to sign in to that. After adding your site that would give you the JS code and you need to put it in your footer path i.e, above the </body> tag of every page. This will track all user behaviours in your site like, avg time on site, visit, unque visit, bounce rate, county, City etc.

    There are many other free and paid tools for the same analysis. Smartstats, hittail are some of the notable free traffic analysis tools. But I always suggest using Google Analytics.


  5. Try and the code from either of these sites and put the code on each page of your site..

  6. I know if you own your own domain google has free tools but I never tried to use them with someone else domain but give it a shot.

    Google Analytics

  7. There are several services, like for example:

    'Statcounter' or 'Ritecounter' and a lot more, you only have make an account, put a little html-code in your page and off you go.

    If you like to know more about, how to build your own

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    All the Best,

    To your Happy Online Business Inspiration,


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