
How can I check my drivers license record for a DWI, need to know for a job applying for?

by  |  earlier

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I am applying for a job that may not hire me if I have a DWI. I need to know what date I received the DWI.




  1. You have a right to see your own records. Give them a call and they will advise you. They won't give you any info on the phone.

  2. I live in Va and you can drive through a window, like fast food, and pay 8-10 bucks for you Driver's abstract.  The DUI stays on for at least 6 years, probably 10...

    Just go to nearest Department of motor vehicles or the website.

    The abstracts police get are since you were driving..offenses listed I mean..

    The ones employers have access to only show general offenses for a certain amount of years, similar to one that you would get if paid for it.  For example, In VA a fail to yield would get you 4 negative points and stay on your record 4 years, each point relative to one year.  Reckless driving stays on 6 years and totals 6 negative points and so on.  After the years have passed they disappear from your general abstract for insurance agencies, etc. being able to acquire info.

  3. Depends on what state your are in. In PA we can go to our DMV website and order a driver history and this shows up the date we got a record and what the record is.

    Call you DMV they can tell you what you need to do.

  4. Go to your local DMV and ask for a copy of your record. There will probably be a small fee for this.

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