
How can I check to see if a job offer from Storistes de France is legitimate?

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Their website is all in French including their contacts, so I have no way of knowing whether "Morris Hilla" of Storistes de France really works for them.




  1. There have been several other questions regarding this company on this website.  I contacted Kiwi Bank in NZ (one of the named banks that you are asked to open an account at), sent them copies of e-mails I had received from this Company and they advised me of the following:

    Thank you for your query. We are unable to open this attachment at this time, but I have had another customer contact us about this message. It appears to be a fraudulent attempt to lure you into money laundering or another illegal activity. I would suggest that you delete the message and cease contact with this site unless you have initiated the contact in the first place - there are a number of sophisticated scams and phishing attempts looking for passwords, identiy theft, accounts to launder money through or other illegal activities.

    Do not reply to this.  Check out answers from other Yahoo users on this site.

  2. I received one of these emails also.  I did not send them my CV, but sent a reply asking if it was legitimate.  I then got a "job offer" from Morris Hilla of Soristes de France asking for my bank account details and postal address to send me a laptop.  I have not replied to this email.  I worked in recruitment in continental Europe for 5 years and there is no way you would be offered a job by email - especially through a hotmail email!

    I sent an email to Soristes de France a couple of days ago to let them know about this email, and also to check whether a "Morris Hilla" actually works there.  I have not had any response.

    This is obviously a scam as today another email arrives offering work as a Story Writer  for Sante Magazine.  It was sent from "Polly Diaz" from the same temporary forwarding email as Morris Hilla.

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