
How can I check whether planning permission was granted for an extension built over 20 years ago?

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I'm in the UK. It's my partner's house, where I live too. I've checked my council website - they only have details for planning permission cases within the last 10 years.

The extension (a single-storey bathroom) was probably built in the 70s or 60s. There are no details of the planning permssion for the extension in the information my partner was given by his solicitor when he bought the house 9 years ago, and that solicitor has apparently gone out of business now - we can't contact them using the details we have and I've tried googling them.




  1. You have to visit your Town or Guild hall archives for that information.

  2. Most councils in the UK have all historical planning applications online.

    Find your council online and find the link to the planning department.

    They will tell you how many years of historical applications are online.

    You will be able to search by street and see if there are any applications. For example see Richmond Council in London (

    If it was built in the 70s or 60's it's unlikely to be online. You'll just need to call the planning department and ask them how to get the information.

    I think you're unlikely to get any information off your solicitor. If it's so long ago, he may not be responsible for supplying old plans. Your best bet is to go through the council, they'll be able to advise you especially as it seems a common enough question.

  3. They should have details of all planning permissions dating back to the 1940's since the Town and Country Planning Act came into play.  Most Council online facilities only date back 5-10 years, so you would need to make an appointment to view the micro fishe files held at the planning department (give your planning dept a phone - they have duty officers who are normally quite helpful).  If the extension has been there over 10 years then it would be exempt from enforcement action and therefore has planning permission by default; if you really need to confirm for legal reasons, you should apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness (like a planning application but based on fact, not policy).

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