
How can I clear ALL data on my laptop?

by  |  earlier

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Preferably I'd like to keep my word documents. I'd like to clear everything else though. Is there any way of doing this?




  1. You want to clear all the user documents (pictures, presentations, etc.)? Or everything on it?

    If you just want to clear the documents, you could try moving your word documents to another folder (or a flash drive if possible) and then simply deleting your documents folder.

    I would recommend if you want to clear everything that you move your word documents to a flash drive, then with the recovery discs that came with your laptop. reformat the drive and reinstall the operating system.  This means that it will be more difficult to recover the old data should you ever sell it or get rid of it.

  2. what you can do is system recovery which will keep all your data or the way i like to do it is save all my data on a second hard drive or get them somewhere safe and just reinstall the whole system that way i have nice fresh copy of windows

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