
How can I communicate better with my boyfriend?

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My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 4 months... before we started dating we talked about everything. Now that its been 4 months we don't talk a lot. I want to talk to him, and I feel like I can talk about anything with him... but when we get on the phone... we talk about what happened during our days and what we are gonna do... Right now he is in GA and I am in FL. So its even more of a strain on our relationship. Hopefully he will be back down here with me soon. Anyways... I just want some tips on how to start a good conversation. One that doesnt have to do with the weather. He says that when he asks me a question I just give him a brief answer. I try not to. If someone could just give me a few tips on how to communicate with him better and how to start a good conversationt that would be wonderful. I love him to death and I dont want to lose him. Especially over something like this.





  1. talk to up

  2. i would say like to buy a book with a lot og question and just ask each other  

  3. well you can call him up one day say how you doing what you been up to what you gonna do today and how is georga ask him how is our relationship how can we improve as a couple try to find a way to go and see him and let him know how you feel about long distance let him know whats up and how you feel be open he appricate that but try not to cover everything in one day hopefully he have more to say to you later on after all this has been said you can send him emails say how much you love him and gifts are good if you want to do that and he probably tell you how much enjoyed them you know have to be creative  

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