
How can I communicate with my mother who recently passed away?

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I was born and raised Catholic, but in these moment that I miss my mom so much, I would like to know where she is and how to communicate with her.

I am grown up woman but I was very attached to my mother.




  1. Read Leviticus 19 & 20.  When you feel so bad it is tempting to try anything but you must be warned this type of thing is forbidden by God and can open a door for evil.  Granted, some people actually can contact the dead (it says so right in the Bible) but it isn't a good idea.  Rather remember your Mom by photos and things around your home that remind you of her.  It is okay to talk to her and it is common for people to have dreams that feel very real where they are with their loved oned again.  I am sorry you are grieving and I hope God leads you to peace.  Do you think she's in Heaven?  If you do then you are truly grieving not her passing but your loss and I believe you will be with her again and when you are it will be so much more perfect than this life.

  2. Yeah my mom died like 5 years ago and I sort of talk to her in my head like praying and it helps.. Even though I still cry a lot.

  3. My best advice is this:  My father passed away five years ago and I miss him still.  At times, I sit quietly and think about him.  Often, in my mind I will ask him a question.  Sometimes, even days later, I get the answer to my question.  You need to focus on your mum.  Be prepared to get that communication in unorthodox ways.  It may be a feeling you get.  Don't expect to hear voices or see visions.  It happens in your soul.

    And.......... don't pay anyone to do this for you.  There are thousands out there who will charge you big bucks.  It's not necessary.  Give it a try.  Don't expect it to work immediately.  Give it some time.

  4. grown up woman,,,you know the answer.

  5. pray and she'll talk to you through your dreams. the dead usually have a better connection with us while we're sleeping. you know how they say sleep is the cousin of death. don't go paying a bunch of cash to hire some phony psychic or medium.

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