
How can I complain against Experian for failing to investigate a disputed item?

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I disputed an item online late yesterday afternoon, and early this morning I got the "results" that it is accurate and updated!!! How could they have contacted the creditor and investigated the item? It is a hospital bill from Las Vegas from last December for $1690. I was not even in Las Vegas during that time and as a 30 something, it's been years since I've been to the doctors. I don't have the item on my other reports and my credit score is 749 and higher with the other 2 agencies. THis is fraudulent that they supposedly already ivestigated. How can I complain against Experian?




  1. This is one reason why I tell people "do not bother to dispute on line" it never works.

    The CRA's have a specific way in which to handle disputes.  Here is the link to download on how to dispute with them.

    Download a pdf file regarding how to dispute with CRA's

    Just sending a simple letter stating it's not my debt will not work.  This method of disputing is also listed under the FCRA

    The CRA's will have 30 day to resolve this issue or it will be removed by law if they do not handle the situation (they can get a 15 day extension if they need it but they must notify  you of the fact.




    Sec. 1681o. Civil liability for negligent noncompliance, you could sue the CRA's if they fail to resolve the dispute.  You can also sue the agency that reported the debt for damages under the following rule:

    TITLE 15--COMMERCE AND TRADE  CHAPTER 41--CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION  SUBCHAPTER III--CREDIT REPORTING AGENCIES Sec. 1681s-2. Responsibilities of furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies

    Although the FTC can't act as your lawyer in private disputes, information about your experiences and concerns is vital to the enforcement of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Send your questions or complaints to:

    Consumer Response Center -- FCRA

    Federal Trade Commission

    Washington, D.C. 20580.

    Hope this answers your question

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER:  The advice contained herein is for informational purposes only.  It is not to be construed as Legal Counsel nor Legal Advice.

  2. You can file a report against Experian to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission): and your local state's Attorney General's office.  

    More importantly you need to get the creditor's information off your credit report.  Send a dispute and validation letter to the actual creditor - explain your situation and invoke the Fair Credit Reporting Act.  Make sure you send the letter with a delivery confirmation and return receipt requested.  Here are some sample letters which you can use as a guide:

  3. Experian is notorious for being the worst of the big three credit bureaus in terms of correcting inaccurate info.

    Never use the online dispute....always request in writing. Send them a letter via Certified Mail + Return Receipt stating:

    Per the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I am requesting written validation of this alleged debt.

    Update: This is why I HATE the credit bureaus....Any 3rd-rate collection agency can post negative info on your credit files and the info gets reported "as is" without your first being able to dispute it.

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