
How can I connect my Xbox 360 to my tv tuner and my TV at the same time?

by  |  earlier

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I assumed since television gurus generally know about composite and component cables I should post this here rather than in the Video Game or Computer section. I generally don't use the HD (component cables). I would guess that I would need some kind of splitter but I have been unable to find anything online. What would I need for this? Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Also, could I find what I need at a local RadioShack or something similar?




  1. If you are connecting via TV tuner, don't try to use the HD cables because you will not get HD from your XBOX using this method.  It sounds like you don't have video inputs on this TV.  If that is the case, then going to your local RadioShack or something similar will do just fine.  You will need a RF modulator.  The RF modulator will take your composite signal and put in on a coax cable line.  From their it depends on the type of RF modulator you have, but you may also need a splitter.  RadioShack should hook you up on anything you may be confused on and the details.  I hope this helps


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