
How can I contact ANYONE in Equatorial Guinea for info on applying to the National University?

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(I asked a similar question in the Volunteering section.)

I am 18, male, American. I speak Spanish (the national language), and I really want to attend La Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial.

I've already lived in a Spanish-speaking country, volunteering in Panama for over two months. I am pretty independent; I just don't want to step off a plane in Africa and not know where I am going to eat and sleep.

I've contacted the US Embassy there and the Equatoguinean Embassy in Washington to get the numbers for places like the Ministry of Education, but no one answers at the numbers they gave me (yes, I realize there is a time zone difference).

I know that the current president (dictator) is really trying to court the Americans, so I'm sure I would be wanted by the government.

They have no e-mail because of the internet access shortage, and the phones, fax and websites are all down!

Does anyone know of any way in which I can get a hold of anyone of any importance?




  1. Oh my God, trying to get in contact with an embassy from a lesser developed country is more annoying than cutting off your own foot.  I went through it with Bulgaria and Romania before - the only thing that worked for me was actually GOING to their consulates in New York.  I'm not sure if you're close to either New York or Washington, D.C., but that's the only suggestion I have, unfortunately.  Chances are, even when you do get a hold of them, they'll tell you they don't know the answer to the question you're asking, take your phone or email, say they'll get back to you and they never do.  Keep bugging the embassy (the Equatoguinean one, the American embassy there can do nothing for you, in order to file all the necessary paperwork and get information you have to speak to the host country's embassy), explain the situation, and hopefully you'll get a nice enough receptionist who will take pity on you.

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