
How can I contact HP Manufacturer to order a Recovery CD?

by Guest56634  |  earlier

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I didnt make any recovery CD and now my windows is not even starting. I'm writing this message from my friend's house and I need to know whether the support phone number is the number i need to contact HP and order the CD?




  1. Try this:

    Most probably they'll charge you for a CD or just the shipping. In a situation like this you should probably make a backup and format your pc. But again this is for a little bit advanced users. If you go through the formatting path then you would need a copy of WIn Vista or XP.  

  2. google the exact model number of ur computer and click on the

    HP site that pops has all the firmware updates and where to

    get parts and the recovery discs.

  3. 1800-HP-invent should get you to where you need to be.  You can also order them on-line by searching for your model number on the HP website, and going to the downloads section for drivers and such.  There will be a link that sends you to where you can order them on-line.  Good Luck!

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